
人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration Discovering Useful Structures课件(共40张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:96次 大小:1426940Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) ENGLISH LESSON Hello sun title TV dog flag table love apple orange one dog star sky two Grammar the infinitive ENGLISH LESSON Hello sun title TV dog flag table love apple orange one star sky two CONTENTS CONTENTS 1 Definition 2 Functions 3 Tense and voice ENGLISH LESSON Hello sun title TV dog flag table love apple orange one dog star sky two 01 Definition Definition 动词不定式( infinitive)是不带词形变化的动词形式。因为该形式内的动词不受主语的时态、人称和数的限定,因此被称为———不定式。 非谓语动词 nonfinite verb 或称 非限定动词,指不受主语的人称、数和时态限定的动词。 不定式、分词、动名词infinitive/participles/gerunds ENGLISH LESSON Hello sun title TV dog flag table love apple orange one dog star sky two 02 Functions Functions 可以充当句子内除谓语外的所有成分 动词不定式 主、宾、定、表、状、(宾)补 非谓语动词 + 独立结构 Functions subject 主 补 状 定 表 宾 + 独立结构 absolute construction predicative attribute object complement adverbial object Functions subject 01 e.g. To learn English well is difficult. It’s difficult to learn English well. 不定式后置 It’s + adj. + for him to do sth 不定式表示动作的发出者 It’s + adj. + of him to do sth 说明逻辑主语的性质、品质 ENGLISH LESSON TV table love one dog star two It’s difficult____ him to learn English well. It’s wise ____ him_____(make) such a decision. for of to make My hobby is _____(collect) stamps. My work in the following weeks is _____(collect) the related data. collecting to collect 具体的/将来的动作 习惯性的动作(事情) Functions object 02 e.g. Jeremy Lin likes to play basketball. The girl decided to do it herself. We hope to get there before dark. 常见的加不定式做宾语的动词:agree, attempt, choose, claim, dare, decide, demand, determine, expect, fail, hate, hesitate, hope, hurry, intend, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, threaten,want... Functions object 02 e.g. Please show us how to deal with the haze. I don’t know which one to choose. 疑问词+不定式 ( what/where/how/which/when/who/whether...) 常用句型 e.g. I think it very useful to learn a foreign language 主语 + v.+ it +adj./n. + to do sth. ( believe/consider/feel/find/make/suppose/think...) ENGLISH LESSON TV table love one dog star two The boy attempts _____( learn ) a language by himself. to learn The parents were disappointed _____(know) that their son just gave up before having a try. I’m not sure where _____(go) after being fired. to go to know Functions predicative 03 e.g. All you have to do is _____ (finish) the job quickly. 不定式常用在系动词be, seem, appear, get, remain等后作表语。 e.g. My job is to protect the world. To see is to believe. (眼见为实) My ambition is to work for a firm... (to) finish Functions attribute 04 不定式作定语,与其修饰的名词的关系:主谓、动宾、同位 He is not a man to accomplish this task. (主谓) I have so much work to do! (动宾,不定式作用在work上) I have a goal to get an A+ in this exam. ( ... ...

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