

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:31次 大小:2691540Byte 来源:二一课件通
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一 、听 力 理 解 ( 共 2 0 小 题 , 每 小 题 1 分 1~5 BCBAC 6~10 ABACC 11~15 ACACB famous parks 17.bus 18.the(heavy)rain 19.took many photos 20.25/25th 二、单项填空(共8小题,每小题1分) 21~24 BCDC 25~28 CAAB 三、完形填空(共26小题,每小题1分) A)29~33 BADCA 34~38 BCDCB 39~43 ADABC B)44.quickly 45.progress 46.to catch 47.chance 48. when 49. take 50. environment 51. won 52.special 四 、阅读理解(共23小题,每小题2分) 55~57 ADB 58~62 BACAD 63~67 ACDAD 68~72 CBADD 五 、补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分) 78~82 BFCED l六.略 最新中考模拟训练·英语(三) Millions of historical and current words are kept in the databases (of these and other dictionaries.Many recently added words have come from electronic files ()pop culture and politics.The OED has added many new English words from Korea recently. Korea,first spelled Corea,has been used as the country's name since the 17th century.In 1999"K-pop"appeared in Billboard Magazine and in 2016 was added to the OED. From Merriam-Webster we have 455 recently added words including"dad bod"-a typical middle-aged dad's body shape."digital nomad"was also added,meaning someone who does his job over the Internet from anywhere. There are so many words in the world.With the great effort of the dictionary researchers,there will be more on the way! A 63.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us rodong s ai swolo to A.How editors work to help add words. B.How editors publish a new dictionary. d0teno又T C.How long editors spend on reading every day. D.What editors should read when writing a dictionary. 64.What can we know about OED's Reading Program A.It provides the changes of Chinese. B.It creates the history of words. C.It gets paid and volunteer readers to help. D.It encourages readers to do more reading. 65.Who can be called a "digital nomad" A.A well-paid person. B.A digital expert. wo行mon samb3d C.A person who find words for dictionaries. D.A person working online from anywhere. 66.What is the purpose of writing the passage A.To show how words get into dictionaries. B.To explain where editors find new words. C.To show what new words mean to dictionaries. D.To explain why new words are needed in dictionaries. 67.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage ① ③ ①②③④⑤ ① li jad aA.⑥ ano B.②③④⑤⑥a5C.⑥ D. D为 Do you know the woman in the picture Her name is Sophia.In fact, Sophia is a robot in Saudi Arabia.Sophia was created by the founder of Hanson Robotics,Dr.David Hanson. In 2017,she became the first robot in the world to get citizenship( of Saudi Arabia.Her human-like look and manners were brought to great attention.Sophia is one model of a new invention known as social robots,a smart machine created to communicate and work closely with people in different areas. The service industry is among the first users of social robots.Friendly robots helped human volunteers in hotels and at tourist attractions during the Tokyo Olympic Games.Social robots are also tested out in Japan to care for the el ... ...

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