
Unit 2 Spring is warm 第三课时 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-07-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:16次 大小:3567132Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Spring is warm 第三课时 autumn summer winter spring cool hot cold warm Review E Let’s Read and Write Read the text New words living room live I live in Sanya. E Let’s Read and Write New words snowy snow I never see snow here. E Let’s Read and Write New words there here E Let’s Read and Write Fill in the blanks Dear Zhang Leilei, My name is _____. I live in _____. In summer, it’s _____. In winter, it’s _____. Yours, _____ Lin Xiaoxia Beijing very hot very cold Lin Xiaoxia E Let’s Read and Write F Let’s Chant b r br brown F Let’s Chant Watch and say F Let’s Chant It’s a bright, bright day. A little brown bird Stands on a branch, To sing all day. What’s in common It’s a bright, bright day. A little brown bird Stands on a branch, To sing all day. bright brown branch 你发现什么规律了吗? br - /br/ F Let’s Chant F Let’s Chant Let’s read F Let’s Chant Let’s chant G Let’s Have Fun Sing together autumn summer winter spring cool hot cold warm 重点句子: Spring is warm. It’s hot in summer. I’m from Changsha/... What’s the weather like here It’s cold. brown bright br - /br/ Thank You

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