

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:19次 大小:182828Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小升初考前冲刺卷(二)-小学英语六年级下册北师大版(三起) 一、单选题 1.Jane was first, and Mary second. Ann came . ( ) A.last B.second C.first 2.He is a student, _____.( ) A.too B.two C.to D.but 3.—Where are you _____ tomorrow ( ) —I’m going to the bookstore. A.going B.doing C.buying D.swimming 4.There _____ an apple and some vegetables on the table yesterday morning. ( ) A.is B.were C.was 5.He was _____ astronaut. ( ) A.an B.the C.a 6.My birthday is _____ May 2nd. ( ) A.in B.on C.at 7.m___ ___ning(早上)( ) A.or B.ar C.ou 8.—Where do you want _____ ( ) —Supermarket. A.to go B.go C.going D.goes 二、补全句子 9.—_____ did the play football last week —At the sports center. 10.She can _____ (弹钢琴) very well. 11._____ is a hot season. It rains a lot. We can swim. 12.September, O_____ and November are autumn seasons. 三、句图匹配 选择与句子相关的图片。 A. B. C. D. 13.I love animals. ( ) 14.I love beautiful hair. ( ) 15.I like pretty clothes. ( ) 16.I like reading stories. ( ) 四、句子匹配 17.选出正确答语。 ①How often do you make your bed _____ A I'm going swimming. ②How many subjects do you study _____ B Nine. ③What's your favorite subject _____ C I make my bed every day. ④Do they have to do their chores _____ D My favorite subject is science. ⑤What are you doing next weekend _____ E Yes, they do. 五、排序题 18.根据所学故事将下列句子排序。 ( )Mocky ate the banana very quickly. ( )Suddenly Mocky looked sick. He coughed and coughed. ( )Mocky was very sorry because he made a mess. ( )Then he ate another one. ( )Last Saturday, Mocky visited Ann and Ken . ( )He wanted a banana. 六、连词成句 19.will, Ben, what, do, weekend, this ( ) _____ 20.can't, Mike, car, his, start (.) _____ 21.noodles, him, I’ll, for, cook (.) _____ 22.flour, two, of, cups, bowl, the, put, into (.) _____ 23.went, with, father, I, there, my (.) _____ 七、选内容补全对话/短文 third didn’t took turn went I’m David. Ben and I are good friends. Last Sunday, Ben and I 24 to a park. Then we wanted to go to the History Museum, but we 25 know the way. We asked a man in the park for help. He told us to walk along Tianhe Road, and 26 right at the 27 crossing (路口). Then we walked and walked, but we did not see the museum. We were too tired so we 28 a taxi. “Please take us to the museum.” We told the taxi driver. The taxi driver laughed (笑) and said, “The museum is over there. You may get off now.” 八、阅读选择 Mary is a nice girl, she is eleven years old. Mary’s father is a doctor. He is the tallest in the family. Mary’s mother is a nurse. She is shorter than Mary’s father and fatter than him. Mary’s grandmother is the oldest and shortest in the family. Bob is Mary’s brother. He is taller than Mary and he is three years older than Mary. They love each other. This is a happy family. 29.There are _____ people in Mary’s family. ( ) A.four B.five C.six 30._____ is the tallest in the family. ( ) A.Ma ... ...

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