
山东省临沂市平邑县2022-2023学年五年级下册期末考试英语试题 图片版(无答案,无听力音频及听力原文)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:79次 大小:590964Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022一2023学年度下学期期末质量监测 四、Listen and do.(所短文回答以下5道小题,将正确选项填在题前的括号内) ()1.Where is Tom 五年级英语 ( )2.What is Tom doing A.In the park B.In the library 三 四五六七八九十 总 A.picking up leaves B.reading a book 号 贴条形码处 ()3.Can Tom eat lunch there A.Yes,he can. B.No,he can't. 得 ()4.Who is his good friend A.Mike B.John 分 ()5.What should Tom follow(遵守)? A.Take turns B.Keep desks clean 听力部分Listening Part) 笔试部分(Writing Part) Listen and number.(听一听,用1-l0排序) 五、Read and judge.(划线部分读音相同写“”,不相同写“x”) ()1.--Can you help me put the eggplants on the plate,Mike -Yes,I can,mom! 4月5日 ()2.--What is your grandpa doing.Sarah -Oh,he is painting the wall brown. ()3.--How many brothers do you have,Bob -I have three.They are all nice. ()4.--What will you do for the young boy,Amy --I will sing for him. ()5.--Whose picture is this,John It's so beautiful.-It's mine.I like white snow. 6月1日 六、Read,choose and write.(读短文,选择对应的词组,将其写在横线上) be quiet;take turns;play football;go for a walk;watch TV;read a book, 二、Listen and choose.(根据所听对话及问题,选择符合题意的答案) clean the bedroom;pick apples;cook noodles;make a card;have a party )1.What does Tommy do on the weekend My name is Wang Ke.I'm from Linyin()Today is June 18th.It's Father's Day.What will I do for my dad.Shh,please( )Let me tell you. B In the morning,I will help himcT1 )So I am a helpful boy. )2.Which season does Ann like best Then at 10:00 I will( )with him.That's a happy time for us. B In the afternoon,I will )We can talk and talk. A )for him because noodles are his )3.When is Bob's Mother's birthday In the evening,I will( favourite.Then I will say"Thank you"to him.They are the ways to show my love. 5月13日 9月13日 C 12月13日 B 七、Read and order.(读短文,按活动的先后顺序给图片1-5排序)10分 Dog Show )4.Which is Pedro's picture nglish Part A.m )5.What are the children doing C. There are some special days in our school.On April 10h we have a sports meet.On A. B. Listen,,think and judge,.(听并思考与所听内容是“T”否“F”表达一致) May 15thwe go to the zoo.We can see monkeys,elephants and pandas in it.On 三、 )3.I have two new baby cats. June 23 we have a dog show.Students will show their nice dogs.On August 31 )fur animal's clothes ( we have an English party.We will be happy then.On November 2 we have a )1.My favourite season is summer ()4.I like January best. world robot exhibition.We can see so many robots there. )2.I go to the zoo.I am very excited. ( )5.There are three months in winter. 八、Read and fil仙.(读左边对话,按对话内容填空,每空一词)10分 五年级英语试题第2页共4页 座号 五年级英语试题第1页共4页

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