
河北省石家庄市裕华区2022-2023学年四年级下学期期末考试英语试题(图片版 无答案,无听力原文及音频)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:14次 大小:967500Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022一2023学年度第二学期期末学生学业质量评价试卷 笔试部分 inova4 oldua 四年级英语 等级 一、Readand judge..判断划线部分发音是(T】否(F)相同 aood b:1 ()1.The book shop is not far from our school.Let's go there on foot. 听一力部分 )2.Your number is four. 、得分 )3.The weather is cold outside.Please put on your sweater. 题号 Listen and 1 choose.听音,选出与所听内容相符的图片 ( )4.My mother is a worker.She is forty years old.She is short. )5.That girl with a brown teddy bear likes yellow flowers. )1:A. 18 B.80 ()2.A 二、Look and write.看图片,写单词完成句子 特 )3.A B.· )AB园 1.-Where is Kim 一She is enny 部 分 05. ★ 0.A 四 二、Listen and number.听音,排序 2.1 like to listen to+号六 What about you 的bm,,国 3.-How many desks are there in your classroom There are desks. 50 三、Listen and choose.听音,选择正确的答语 留 (1.A.I'm tall. B.I'm 1.4 metres tall. )2.A.It's sunny. B.It's Sunday._ 4.--Is this Jenny's三 TTTT可 )3.A.Yes,it is. 四 ( B:It's her pencil. No.'It's Danny's. ( )4.A.Her birthday is May the second. B.My birthday is August the first. .oith! )5.A.Yes.I go to school by bike. B.No.I go to school by bike 五 四、Listen and finish the chart.听音,完成表格 is my favourite subject Date 1 the third 总分 Weather 2. and 3. Favourite clothes dresses 6.This is my new friend. name is Little Zeke 薪 Favourite colour Like to do 5. 四年级英语,第1页,共4页 四年级英语,第2页,共4页

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