
河北省唐山市迁安市2022-2023学年四年级下学期期末英语试题(PDF版 无答案及听力原文,无听力音频)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:85次 大小:603254Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022一2023学年度第二学期小学期末教学质量检测 四年级英语试卷 总体评价 提示:本套试卷答题时间为40分钟。 书写评价 听力部分 一、Listen and choose..听句子,选出正确图片或词语。 ( 1意()2人盒 ()3.A. 6:00 B.7:00 ()4.A. )5.A ()6.A B. ()7.A.homework B.one fork ()8.A.apple card B.little sister 二、Listen and number..听句子,用数字1~5将图片排序。 () () 三、Listen and answer,听句子,选择恰当的回答。 (1.A.Yes,we do. B.No,it isn't. ()2.A.It's on the second floor. B.It's big and clean. 翩 ()3.A.They are too small. B.They are ducks. ()4.A.No,they aren't. B.Yes,they are my gloves. ()5.A.They are cheap. B.They are Jack's. 四、Listen and tick..听对话,选择(“√”)与对话内容相符的图片。 2.R ) ( () 四年级英语试卷,第1页(共4页) 2楼 4. 个剑国韩相面曹进 五、Listen,colour and write..听短文,为村衫涂色,并标上价格。 读写部分 m wol1M 六、Read and sort.读一读,圈出每组单词中不同类的一项。 cool sunny music dress sock jacket snowy second English PE dinner skirt hot tomato sheep hen expensive nice carrot potato cow hat pretty clothes 七、Read,choose and write.看图片,读句子, 选择合适的单词抄写在四线格 内。 (warm,cool) It's in the room.Take off(脱掉)your coat. (shopping,lunch) It's 12 o'clock.It's time for (umbrella,glove) It's too hot outside.You can take an (cows,horses) Those animals are They can run very fast. 四年级英语试卷,第2页(共4页)

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