
【暑假专题练】任务型阅读 专题提升训练-小学英语六年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:56次 大小:715594Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【暑假专题练】 任务型阅读 专题提升训练-小学英语六年级下册 人教PEP版(含答案) Jack: I have a new pen pal. His name is Tom. Lily: Cool! What are his hobbies Jack: He likes playing ping pong and swimming. Lily: Really I like swimming, too. Where does he live Jack: He lives in Germany. He goes to school by bus. Lily: Does he often read books at school Jack: Yes, he does. He likes reading. We can go to the reading club together. Lily: Wonderful! Learning is sometimes bitter (苦的) and most are sweet. Jack: Yes. No pleasure without pain. We must study hard and become (变成) a better man. Lily: Right. When are we going to the club Jack: We’re going there next Friday. Lily: How can we get there Jack: Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn left again. We’ll meet at the school gate. Lily: OK. See you. 1.Read and choose. (读一读,根据对话内容选择正确答案。) (1) —What are Tom’s hobbies ( ) —_____ A.He likes playing football. B.He likes swimming.C. He likes writing. (2) “No pleasure without pain.” in the text means _____. ( ) A.问路总比迷路好。B.知人善任。C. 没有苦就没有乐。 (3) —When are they going to the club ( ) — _____ A.They’ re going there next Friday. B.They’ll meet at the school gate. C. They go to school by bus. 2.Read and answer. (阅读对话,回答下列问题。) (1) Does Tom often read books at school _____ (2) How can they get to the reading club _____ Look and write. 根据题前的图片写出相应的职业,并选写出工作地点。 I have some friends. They have different (不同的) jobs and work at different places. (1). Lee is a 3 , and he works in a 4 . university sea gym plane pet hospital (2). Ann is a 5 , and she works in a 6 . (3). Tim is a 7 , and he works at 8 . (4). ZhouJing is a 9 , and she works in a 10 . (5). Jack is a 11 , and he works on a rescue 12 . Nancy was very busy last weekend. She did her homework on Saturday morning. Then she cleaned her room and washed her clothes on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday morning, she went (go 的过去式) to the bookstore with her good friend, Gina. Gina is one year older than Nancy. But Nancy is heavier than Gina. They went to the bookstore by bus. Nancy bought (buy 的过去式) the new film magazine. Gina bought some storybooks. They were very happy. 13.用数字 1~5将下列图片按文中提到的先后顺序排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 14.选择正确的答案。 (1) How was Nancy’s last weekend ( ) A.Very busy. B.Interesting. C. Bad. (2) What did Nancy do last Saturday morning ( ) A.Washed her clothes. B.Did her homework. C. Went shopping. (3) Gina is _____ than Nancy. ( ) A.younger B.heavier C. thinner (4) They took a _____to the bookstore. ( ) A.taxi B.car C. bus (5) What did Gina buy last Sunday ( ) A.The new film magazine. B.Clothes. C. Storybooks. 15.根据短文内容,补全表格。 It’s Sunday today. Emily gets up at 7:30. She often gets up at 6:45. Today she doesn’t go to school. In the morning, she goes shopping with her mother. They get there by bus. They buy some food. They take a taxi home. After lunch, ... ...

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