
2022-2023学年山东省济南市经五路小学五年级下学期期末英语试题(图片版 无答案,无听力原文及音频)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:15次 大小:1262481Byte 来源:二一课件通
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most famous building in Australia.What is the weather like in April in Beijing What do you often do All the best, Stella )1.Sarah is in Sydney now. )2.Stella likes autumn best. )3.Sydney Opera House is the most famous building in Australia. )4.It's autumn in April in Sydney. )5.It's summer in April in Beijing. 八、Writing(书面表达。) 请根据图片提示写一写图中动物园的动物们正在做什么?也可以加入自己的想 象,描述一下动物园中还有什么样的动物,他们现在正在做什么呢? 要求:运用现在进行时;不少于5句话。 Welcome to the zoo.Look! 笔试部分答完了,别忘再认真检查一下哦! 6 小学英语五年级期末试题B卷(2023.6) 3.Chen Jie is in the park. (时间:80分钟) 等级 4.These desks and chairs are_ 咱们一起来做听力闯关,相信你一定能闯关成功! 00…0000…… 咱们一起来做笔试闯关题,相信你一定能闯关成功! Listening Part(听力部分) 一、Listen and choose..(听录音,选出所听句子中含有的单词。) Writing par叶(笔试部分) )1.A.drinking B.swimming C.playing 一、Read and match.(请根据下列单词的汉语意思,进行归类吧。) ) 2.A.hers B.these C.those A.mine B.third C.make a snowman D.yours E.ninth )3.A.summer B.autumn C.winter F.second G.her H.play sports I.ours J.twentieth ( )4.A.finish B.pick C.walk K.pick apples L.his M.fifth N.have..class O.listen to music ( )5.A.October B.December C.November Possessive pronoun(物主代词) 二、Listen and number..(听录音,给图片排序。) Activities(活动) What is Numbers(数字) 二、Read and choose.(Amy同学在向我们介绍她的好朋友,请你读一读她好朋友的 介绍,选单词填空,帮她把介绍补充完整。) 三、Listen and choose.(听问句,选择恰当的应答语。) best Her twelfth does do Mine doing third birthday March 1.A.At 5 o'clock. B.In 5 o'clock. Hi!I'm Amy,I have a good friend _name is Kate.She likes spring () 2.A.Winter. B.The four seasons Because she can morning exercises in spring.She always ()3.A.Because I like snow. B.Because I can pick apples. homework on Sundays.Look!She is homework now.We ()4.A.It's in January. B.We have an English party. both like Her birthday is on March is on March ()5.A.He's doing morning exercises.B.Yes,he is. 3rd,too.This is her_ birthday.We'll have a party 四、Listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,补全句子。) together. 1.My birthday is on_ 三、Read and choose.(请根据情景选择合适的选项。) 2.Everyone,please stand in line and_

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