
Unit 1 Hello Checkout time & Ticking time课件+素材(26张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:76次 大小:39880104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 Hello! Checkout time & Ticking time 译林牛津·三年级上册 Warming-up Revision Task 1: Review letters “A, B, C, D”. Game 1: Smart eyes。教师说一个字母,不发出声音,学生们通过看口型去猜字母。 T:(做口型)Look at my lips. What am I saying Make a guess. Ss: Letter A/B/C/D. Game 2: What’s missing Game 3: Let’s match. Watch & say Task 2: Review key sentences about greetings(问候)in Unit 1. 跟别人打招呼。 Hi. Hi, Mike. Hello. Hello, Mike. Practice 1 Say hello/hi to your partner. Hello./Hi. Hello./Hi. 上午见面时的问候语。 Good morning, Miss Li. Good morning, Mike. Practice 2 Say good morning to your partner. Good morning, XXX. Good morning, XXX. Good afternoon, class. Good afternoon, Miss Li. 下午见面时的问候语。 Practice 3 Say good afternoon to your partner. Good afternoon, XXX. Good afternoon, XXX. 向别人自我介绍。 Hi, I’m Bobby. Hi, I’m Sam. Practice 4 Introduce yourself to your partner. Hi, I’m XXX. Hello, I am XXX. Checkout time Listen and respond Hello. Hello. Hi. Hi. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good morning. Listening materials 1. Hello. 2. Hi. 3. Good afternoon. 4. Good morning. I can say “hi”, “hello”, “good morning” and “ good afternoon”. I can say and write the letters “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”. Ticking time How many stars can you get See page 58. Tip Exercises 一、选词填空,将序号写在横线上。 1. Good _____ (A. Hello B. morning), Miss Li. 2. Hello, _____ (A. I’m B. I ) Su Hai. 3. Good afternoon, _____ (A. Liu Miss B. Miss Liu). 4. Hi, I’m _____ (A. Miss B. Mike). B A B B 二、从Ⅰ栏中选出与Ⅱ栏相对应的答语。 A. Good morning, Miss Li. B. Hi, I’m Liu Tao. C. Good morning, I’m Wang Bing. D. Hello. E. Good afternoon, Helen. Ⅰ ( ) 1. Hello. ( ) 2. Good morning, class. ( ) 3. Hi, I’m Mike. ( ) 4. Good afternoon, Yang Ling. ( ) 5. Good morning, I’m Mike. Ⅱ 1. Review key words, phrases and sentences in Unit 1. 2. Review Story time, Cartoon time, Letter time and Song time in Unit 1. 3. Preview the new words of Unit 2. Homework

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