
2020-2021学年福建省厦门市思明片区五年级下学期英语月考试卷(pdf版 无答案 无听力原文及听力音频)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:31次 大小:4540353Byte 来源:二一课件通
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学孩: 名:座号: 2020-2021学年第二学期五年级英语第一阶段检测卷 答题时间:60分钟 )14.A 领: 书写2分 听力部分40分 读写部分58分 总分100分 亦5 听力部分(40%) )15.A I.Listen and choose the words you hear..听句子,i 选出你听到的单词。8% ()1.A.drive B.driver ()2.A.met B.meet ()3.A.doctor B.daughter ()4.A.seven B.eleven )16.A ()5.A.have B.had ()6. A.fruit B.flute ()7 A.Chinese B.China )8.A.tall B.talk )17. L.Listen and chos6 se the right pictures.听句子,选挥正确的图片。10% )9.A )18.A )10. I.Listen and choose the right answers.听对话,选择正确的答案的序号。5% ()19.What did the man have for breakfast A.sandwich and milk B.sausage and milk C.sandwich and juice )11.A )20.When did Sara have dinner A.6:00 B.7:30 C.6:30 ( )21.What does the boy want to borrow ()12.A A.This is London B.The Three Little Pigs C.Wolf!Wolf! ()22.What did the woman do before A.basketball player B.nurse C.worker (23.Where are the boys )13.A A.bookshop B.factory C.library 第1页共4页 I.Listen and number..听音,根据文中介绍沙拉的制作说明,用A,B,C,D,E排序。5% ( )42.--Have you got books about English stories --Yes,we've got one.It's A.Snow White B.Ma Liang and the Magic Paintbrush C.Wolf,Wolf ( )43 is a traditional English food. A.Sausage B:Dumpling C.Fish and chips ( )44.I haven't got any Harry Potter vidcos, I have got the books. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28 A.and B.but C.because )45.Mo Yan is a famnous Chinese V.Listen and choose the right answers..听短文,选择正确的答案的序号。4% A.policeman ( )29.I go to school B.writer C.player A.by car B.on foot C.by bus )46.You can some books in the bookshop. )30.I begin my work A.buy B.borrow C.make A.at7:30 B.at8:30 C.at8:00 )47.-Does Amy like Chinese food --Yes,she does.She says it's )31.Ihave classes a day. A.four B.five C.six A.bad B.yummy C.young )32.I at half past ten in the evening. ()48.In the library,you can ask the to find the books for you. A.go to bed B.go home C.read books A.sales assistant B.librarian C.writer ()49.There are some in a sandwich. VL.Listen and judge,听音判断,相符的选“A”,不相符的选“B”。4% A.noodles B.vegetables C.rice (A.Bx)33.Betty is from the UK. ()50. are special in the UK.Families usually eat lunch together, (A.B X)34.Betty usually has breakfast at eleven. (A.BX)35.Betty likes sandwiches and eggs. A.Fridays B.Sundays C.Saturdays (A.B X)36.Betty wants to read Harry Potter books someday HI.Read and complete the dialogue. 读读,选择合适的序号完成情景对话。% VI.Listen and write.所短文,在横线上填入所缺内容,每格一词。4% (A)At the Library Look at this man,who's he He is very famous.His name is Zhong Nanshan.He's from Fiona:Excuse me.Have you got the DVDs about Chinese history 37. He's a 38. .He helps people fight the new virus()But do you Librarian:Sorry,we haver't got the DVDs.But we've got the books. know Zhong likes sports very much When he was sixty-seven,he could 39. with young Fiona:That's OK.51. pcople.Now he is 84 years old.He still 40. in the hospital.He also teaches young doctors. Librarian:They're on the Shelf B ... ...

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