
冀教版九年级上册 Lesson 7What is the meaning of life课件(共22张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:82次 大小:3766620Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 7 What is the meaning of life Look at the picture, what is he doing He is standing,deep in thought. Leading in Yao Ming succeeds in playing basketball. He is a successful basketball player. He is deep in thought. Leading in Look at the picture, what are they doing They are having a dialogue. Leading in What are they talking about They are talking about the meaning of life. Leading in life 教学目标 1. 掌握词汇 meaning, dialogue, successful, survey, neighbour 2. 谈论对生命的认识 meaning dialogue successful missing survey neighbour n. 意义;意思 n. 对话;对白 adj. 获得成功的;有成就的 adj. 缺少的;丢失的 n. 调查 v. 调查 n. 邻居 Words and Expressions Listen and tick the ideas mentioned. ( ) Become famous. ( ) Attend a good university. ( ) Have a satisfying job. ( ) Have a happy family. ( ) Make other people happy. ( ) Be rich. √ √ √ √ Listening task Do you want to know others' view (观点)of life and success 2 Read the lesson and fill in the blanks. After the history class, Li Ming sits in the classroom, deep in thought. Wang Mei comes in, and they start a _____. Li Ming wonders about the _____ of life. He has many questions about his purpose in life. Wang Mei thinks those questions are _____ to answer. They decide to _____ their questions _____,and then _____ some people about their thoughts. dialogue meaning difficult  write down survey 1 原文呈现 After the hisory class, Li Ming sits in the clasroom, deep in thought. Wang Mei comes in and the two start a dialogue. Wang Mei: Hi Li Ming. What are you thinking about Li Ming: Oh, hi Wang Mei. I was just thinking... What is the meaning of life Do you ever wonder about that Wang Mei: Oh, I see. You are thinking about your purpose in life. Yes, I think about that sometimes. deep in thought 在句中常作表语,也可作状语,表示伴随状态。其同义短语为lost in thought陷入深思。 think about,think of 和 think over 辨析 think about表示“考虑”,可接名词、动词的 ing形式或由疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句。 think of意为“考虑到,想到”时,后常接名词、代词或动词的 ing形式;意为“认为”时,一般用于疑问句中,与what连用。 think over意为“仔细考虑”,后接名词或代词作宾语,当后接代词时,应把代词放在中间。 meaning/‘mi n /n. 意思 meaning的其他意思:(人生的)意义;价值,目标 mean ……是什么意思?”的表达法: What's the meaning of... What does...mean What do you mean by... But I also wonder about other things. For example,why are great people so successful And how can we succeed in life Li Ming: Those are good questions, too. But... what is success And how doyou know if you've succeeded Does it mean that you have a good job Doesit mean that you are rich and famous 原文呈现 success 名词,“成功”。succeed动词,“成功”。 successful形容词,“成功的”。successfully副词,“成功地”。 if引导宾语从句的用法 if引导宾语从句时,意为“是否”,常和whether互换使用,常放在动词ask,see,say,know和find out等后面。 只能用whether的情况:1.在动词不定式前只能用whether。2. ... ...

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