
人教版七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name is Gina.Section A 2a-3c全英文教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:85次 大小:18656Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 题 Unit 1 My name is Gina. Section A 2a-3c 年 级 七年级 课 时 第二课时 课 型 听说课 备 课 教学目标 Teaching goals: (1)词汇:his, and, her, yes, she, he, no, not (2)句型:—What's his/her name?—His/Her name is...He is.../She is... —Is he/she...?—Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn't.—Are you...? —Yes, I am./No,I'm not. Ability goals:1.Enable students to continue to master how to introduce others in English. 2. Master the usage of adjective possessive pronouns and be verbs. Emotional goal: To further promote mutual understanding among students, enabling them to familiarize themselves with new partners and enhance friendship in a relaxed and enjoyable learning atmosphere 教学重难点分析 Master the usage of adjective possessive pronouns and be verbs. 教学资源准备 PPT 教法 讲授法,情景对话法和小组合作法 学法 自主学习法,探究学习法,合作学习法 课堂教学设计 教学过程 教学内容-活动组织-技术媒体选择 二次备课 Teaching procedures Step 1: Greetings and talking —What's your name —My name is... —I'm... Nice to meet you! - Nice to meet you, too. Step 2: Learn and present the new drills His/Her name is... His/ her name is... She is... /He is... Step 3: Listening activity (1) Guide the students to observe the pictures before listening, and use the language learned to describe the topics that the people in the pictures may talk about. For example: Nice to meet you. My name is... I'm... Hello! Good morning/afternoon. (2) Listen to the conversation and number the pictures. (3) Read 2b's name and complete the listening task. (4) Practice the conversation in 2c in pairs. Step 4: Task Act out dialogues in 2d in different roles. Step 5: Grammar focus 1. In pairs, translate the key content in the grammar box into Chinese. 2. Show the contents in the grammar box with courseware, mark possessive pronouns, personal pronouns and be verbs with three different colors, guide students to observe, explore and summarize the rules through group activities. 3. The guidance is summarized as follows: 1) his, her, my, your... The possessive pronoun is usually placed before the noun it modifies. That is: possessive adjective pronoun + noun. This is my bike. This is my bike. Miss Gao is our English teacher. Miss Gao is our English teacher. I don't know her name. I don't know her name. 2)I, he, she, you are personal pronouns. 3)am, is, are all have the meaning of "is" and are called "be" verbs in English. How you use these three forms depends mainly on the subject. Take a look at the following example: ① I am (I'm)Liu Ying. ① I am (I'm)Liu Ying. [Source: Xue.ke. You are (You're)Lin Tao. ② You are (you 're)Lin Tao. xkb1.com ③ It is (It's)3344278. The number is 3344278. Step 6: Task 3a 1. Complete the questions according to the requirements. 2. Ask two students to write the answers on the blackboard, and ask students to comment on the accuracy and blackboard writing, so as to guide students to develop good writing habits. 3. Practice conversations in pairs. Step 7: Task 3b 1. Si ... ...

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