

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:150817Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年九年级暑期话题阅读天天练:国家与民族 (共8题) 一、阅读理解题(共8题) You may know the English letters A, B and C. But do you know there are people called ABCs Do you know there is such a thing as "a banana person" How strange! ABC means American-born Chinese. An ABC is a Chinese, but was born in the United States. Sometimes, people call an ABC a "banana person". A banana is yellow outside. So, when a person is a"banana", he or she is white inside—thinking like a Westerner and yellow outside—looking like a Chinese. Usually, ABCs know little about China or the Chinese language. Some of them don't speak Chinese. But if ABCs cannot speak Chinese, can we still call them Chinese people Yes, of course. They are overseas (海外的) Chinese. These people may be citizens (公民) of another country like the US, Canada or Singapore. But they have Chinese blood. Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China. They all have black eyes and black hair. But they are not Chinese citizens. They are people of the People's Republic of China. For example, we all know the famous scientist C.N.Yang (杨振宁). He got the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957. Chinese people love him. But he is an American citizen. (1) "ABCs" in this passage means _____. A.three English letters B.a kind of banana C.Chinese born in America D.Americans born in China (2) Chinese in Western countries are called "banana persons" because _____. A.their bodies are white outside B.they think like Westerners but look like Chinese C.they were born in China but go to study in America D.they like to eat bananas (3) The underlined word "blood" may probably mean _____. A.洪水 B.祖先 C.血统 D.身份 (4) Which of the sentences is WRONG about ABCs A.ABCs may know little about China. B.They are overseas Chinese. C.They may speak little Chinese. D.They are Chinese citizens. (5) This passage mainly talks about _____. A.different kinds of bananas B.overseas Chinese C.the Nobel Prize D.the story of C.N.Yang If you travel to England, don't miss the Stonehenge in Wiltshire, 120 km in the south-west of England. Stonehenge is made up of a circle of huge stones. It was built more than 4,000 years ago. Stonehenge is one of the world wonders like the Great Wall across North China. It is the most famous place of historical interest in the Stone Age. The stones are very big and heavy. The biggest is over six metres tall. Who knows how such huge stones were moved here The answer is: Nobody! It is said that the huge stones were carried by the Welsh people. However, it was almost impossible for people to move such heavy stones without any modern machine! Then, who did that Perhaps, it was done by ETs Next question is: why did English people build Stonehenge No one knows. Here are guesses from scientists: ● It was a tomb for burying the dead. ● It was designed as a centre for religious ceremonies (宗教仪式). ● It was used to watch the Sun, the Moon and the stars and how they mov ... ...

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