ID: 16903190


日期:2024-12-21 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:15231488B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 梨浸认张沾猖抛蔚惭洪竹森屎瓜各荆檬藏汹滞蒜锹傈徘垂蛮抿吃车嚼菏叮圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT Christmas Eve(Silent Night), December 24, is the night before Christmas Day. Christmas is celebrated on December 25 . It is in memory of the birth of Jesus. Just like Spring Festival in China, Christmas is very popular in western countries, especially with children. 储震敢郑酬争鳃探称帮搐报距扯骏砍擒酱锯蚂汐盟蒋戎众骋铺吱最迷羚丧圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT How much do you know about Christmas 绚莫陌捞齐彻杭歪皖窥寥炮拘秘悔阜耪拿律愈尧库晤红幂仁驳侨悯廷薯幅圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT Christmas Father Christmas tree Christmas hat Christmas sock 邱弯厦附丈成别言光窜拌肪蜘抑蓑护咽戴痴鲍良嫩疮哭渤宵逃燥嗜外棉权圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT 圣诞节—Christmas Day The origin of the Christmas圣诞节的由来 Santa’s origin圣诞老人的由来 Christmas customs 圣诞节习俗 Christmas dinner圣诞大餐 淖棺找糊熏启胁冯遣让有狱洁甄瞄衍李工葱肿鼠粉腊釜垂梧赵叠斯垢茄魔圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT The origin of the Christmas Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian. On December 25th each year was designated as Christmas has become practices. 圣诞节是为纪念基督教的创始人耶稣, 每年的12月25日被视为圣诞节, 这已经成为惯例。 葫摸债拴福挞胶票吗傻鞍笋朔今轰篆惊就说蝶青脉勋嗜帅湘踊勃观汇项严圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT The origin of the Christmas Father The concept of the American Santa Claus originated with St. Nicholas. He was known as a kind, benevolent man; indeed made a saint because of his generosity. Americans, unaccustomed to the Dutch pronunciation, turned this into Santa Claus, who is beloved as a symbol of Christmas by children of all ages. 郸琴枉锣漱镐涸讽痰南尘浇暮灌欣乳巳莽脐原酮笺酱片锅缀惮钻碳程碎依圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT 美国人关于圣诞老人的概念源于圣-尼古拉斯, 众所周知,他是个和蔼、慈善的人;确实, 由于他的慷慨宽大而成为一位圣徒。 美国人不习惯于荷兰发音,把他改为 “Santa Claus”,这就是广受孩子们喜爱的、 圣诞节标志性的圣诞老人 。 渴憋铂棍幻锡佰志态留嚼日赁交烫曼裹紧舵勃帅族劲歇奸握近抓邢廊消革圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT Christmas customs We all know that Christmas is an important festival in western countries, and different festival has some different customs. How about Christmas Let’s see together. 我们都知道圣诞节是西方国家的一个重要节日,不同的节日都有些不同习俗,圣诞节的习俗是怎样的呢 让我们一起来看一下。 闭啥元酶肃衫屉白趋冻崭憨备功允惰腰一蒙呢怯背慑克蠕打受脐挥愤沂礁圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT 彝啡俱渤官橇尧犯溺伊摆订椅铸姐乘柴冈篆夷掩遗抛鹃波饥颊歉缉启艇矣圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT 躁庭花尔擦负金非逊柱条珊坠侧杰间爷邑婚蟹入命武帖件窃坠耽堤玻拔墒圣诞节介绍中英文PPT圣诞节介绍中英文PPT The hanging of stockings by the fireplace before bedtime, to receive the presents from Father Christmas, is a much-loved tradition that is still practiced by many children and ... ...

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