
外研版(三起)英语四年级上册 暑假练习试题 (含答案)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:41次 大小:452828Byte 来源:二一课件通
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暑假练习 一、找出不同类的单词或短语。 ( )1.A.train B.bus C.hill ( )2.A.left B.live C.right ( )3.A.at the station B.turn left C.turn right ( )4.A.supermarket B.cinema C.lost ( )5.A.near B.behind C.house 二、根据汉语提示,写单词。 1.____g(鸡蛋) 2.f___s____ f____d(快餐) 3.___c___ (冰,冰块) 4.___ls____(也,还) 5.m____k____(制作) 6.w__n___(想要) 7.t__m__t__(西红柿) 8.p__t___t___(土豆) 三、单项选择。 ( )1.What___you doing A.is B.are C.am ( )2.I like__a bike. A.ride B.rides C.riding ( )3.Look____the train. It's___the station. A.at,at B.by,in C.on,at ( )4.-What are you doing,children -_____are reading books. A.They B.We C.I ( )5.Tom_____playing with a toy train. A.like B.likes C.is like 四、选词并用其正确的形式填空。 noodles winner jump make many 1.I'm the_____. 2.You can_____far. 3.How____is it 4.Amy is_____dumplings. 5.Do you want some___ 五、看图,完成下列句子。 1.-Do you want some_____ -Yes,please. 2. I like_____ very much. 3.-What is she doing -She is_____ _____. 4.Look,Amy!The man is _____ _____ _____. 5.Look,this is a_____. 六、选择相应的答语。 ( )1.Let's get on the bus. A.They are rowing a boat. ( )2.What are they doing B.It is dancing. ( )3.What are you doing C.OK.Let’s go. ( )4.What is it doing D.They are drinking milk. ( )5.What are they drinking E.I am singing. 七、连词成句。 1.the,at,Look,people,park,the,in(.) _____ 2.they,What,doing,are( ) _____ 3.and,Sam,are,Amy,a,rowing,boat(.) _____ 4.are,drinking,milk,They,soya (.) _____ 5.bus,on,get,Let’s,the(.) _____ 八、阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 Today is Sunday. I go to the park.There are many people in the park.Some children are playing games over there. Two boys are rowing a boat.Two girls are drinking some milk.Look at that big tree.There are some birds in it. A boy is jumping under the tree.I am playing chess with my friend. This is a happy day. ( )1.I go to the supermarket on Sunday. ( )2.Two boys are rowing a boat. ( )3.Two girls are listening to music. ( )4.A boy is jumping under the tree. ( )5.I am playing chess with my mother. 参考答案: 暑假练习 一、找出不同类的单词或短语。 ( )1.A.train B.bus C.hill ( )2.A.left B.live C.right ( )3.A.at the station B.turn left C.turn right ( )4.A.supermarket B.cinema C.lost ( )5.A.near B.behind C.house 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C 二、根据汉语提示,写单词。 1.____g(鸡蛋) 2.f___s____ f____d(快餐) 3.___c___ (冰,冰块) 4.___ls____(也,还) 5.m____k____(制作) 6.w__n___(想要) 7.t__m__t__(西红柿) 8.p__t___t___(土豆) 1.egg 2.fast food 3.ice 4.also 5.make 6.want 7.tomato 8.potato 三、单项选择。 ( )1.What___you doing A.is B.are C.am ( )2.I like__a bike. A.ride B.rides C.riding ( )3.Look____the train. It's___the station. A.at,at B.by,in C.on,at ( )4.-What are you doing,children -_____are reading books. A.They B.We C.I ( )5.Tom_____playing with a toy train. A.like B.likes C.is like B C A B B 四、选词并用其正确的形式填空。 noodles winner jump make many 1.I'm the_____. 2.You can_____far. 3.How____is it 4.Amy is_____dumplings. 5.Do you want some___ 1.winner 2. ... ...

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