
Module 6 Eating together基础训练题(含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:96次 大小:44544Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 6 Eating together 单词分类与变形 Noun-名词 1. 邀请;请柬 2. 日历;历书 3. 气球 4. 餐刀;刀具 5. 餐叉 6. 匙;勺子 7. 西方人 8. 西方 (尤指西欧和北美) 9. 翅膀;翼 10. 女士;夫人;小姐 11. 先生;男士 Verb-动词 12. 绘画 13. 使变热;给 加热 14. 端上(食物和饮料);服侍 进餐 Adjective-形容词 15. 相似的 16. 生气的 兼词类 17. adj. 意大利的;意大利语的;意大利人的 n. 意大利语;意大利人 单词72变(写出下列单词的变形) 18. invitation(n.)→(v.) 19. knife(n.)→(pl.) 20. gentleman(n.)→(pl.) 21. cross(adj.)→(同义词) 学科素养·发现规律顺口溜巧记以f 或fe 结尾的名词变复数一、变f 或fe 为v 再加-es 的树叶(leaf)半数(half)自己黄,妻子(wife) 拿刀(knife)去割粮;架(shelf)后窜出一只狼(wolf),就像小偷(thief)逃命忙。二、直接在词尾加-s 的海湾(gulf)边、屋顶(roof)上,首领(chief) 农奴(serf)相望;谁说他们无信仰(belief),证据(proof) 就在手帕(handkerchief)上。注意:handkerchief 的复数可以是 handkerchiefs, 也可以是handkerchieves。 短语互译 1. in fact 2. 使变热;给 加热 3. 由 制成 4. 了解 5. 在 的开始 6. 随便做(或用)吧;请自便 7. 例如 8. 在 的末尾 9. 与 相似 10. 捡起;拿起 11. 穿上 12. be filled with 13. 加入 14. dress up 句型填空 1. 那么汤就不适合了。 Soup’s _____ _____ then. 2. 我明白你的意思。 I _____ what you _____. 3. 在中国它也正变得流行起来! It’s _____ _____ in China too! 4. 入乡随俗。 _____ in Rome, do_____ the Romans do. 5. 左手拿餐叉,右手拿餐刀。 The fork _____ _____ in your_____ hand and the knife in your right. 6. 观察其他人,照他们那样做。 _____ _____ _____ people. Do as they do. 7. 不用担心看不到食物你就不能享受食物。 _____ _____ that you won’t enjoy food _____ _____ it. 8. 这儿有些建议。 _____ some _____. 9. 如果你有其他任何问题,给我发电子邮件。 Email me _____ you have_____ _____ _____. 10. 你可能会发现筷子用起来很难。 You may _____ _____ _____ to use chopsticks. 美文欣赏 When in China, do as the Chinese do! There are many differences between Chinese and Western eating habits and customs. Here are some things you may wish to know about eating together in China. When in China, people usually have lunch or dinner much earlier than people in the West. There will be a lot of different dishes, not just three courses. Chinese people like to eat rice, noodles, vegetables and meat while Western people prefer bread, milk and steak. Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knives and forks. It’s a little difficult to use chopsticks if you haven’t tried before. It’s a good idea to get some practice. When the food is served, you should take time to wait to eat it. The preparation takes a long time and everything will look beautiful. The plates will be placed in the middle of the table for everyone to share. Take a little of everything and then have some more of the things you like. Chinese people like to talk about food, so it’s a good topic of conversation. At the end of the meal, you will usually be served with fruit. The golden rule is: When in China, do as the Chinese do! Module 6 Eating together 参考答案 单词分类与变形 1. ... ...

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