
初中英语外研版八上Module12 Unit2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.教案

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:12次 大小:800768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 12 Help Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. 【教学目标】 1. To get information from the reading passage in relation to an earthquake. 2. To write about an earthquake. 3. Write about an earthquake using the imperative sentences. 4. Get the student to know about how to save their live. 【教学重难点】 重点:1. To get information from the reading passage in relation to an earthquake. 2. To write about an earthquake. 难点:Write about an earthquake using the imperative sentences. 【教学方法】 任务型教学法、小组合作法。 【教学过程】 Step 1 Leading in Free talk. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. What’s happening 2. What do you think of the earthquake 3. Do you have an earthquake drill (操练,演练) Step 2 Pre-task Activity 1 Look at the pictures and say what they are doing in the earthquake. Step 3 While-task Scanning (扫读). Choose the best answer 1. What is the main idea of the passage 2. Is it difficult to warn people about an earthquake Careful reading. Activity 1 Read paragraph 1, and tell T or F. 1. It is easy to warn people about the earthquake. ( ) 2. People usually know a lot about what to do during the earthquake. ( ) Activity 2 Read paragraph 2, and answer the questions. 1. When the earthquake happens we should jump out of high buildings. Is that right _____ 2. What should we do if there is a fire _____ 3. When the ground stops shaking, what should we do _____ Activity 3 Read paragraphs 3&4, choose the best answer. 1. Why should we move away from the buildings ( ) A. Because parts of a building may fall on you. B. Because there are too many people in the building. 2. When the earthquake happens, where should we go ( ) A. Street lights B. Power line C. Bridges and trees D. A bus or car 3. If you are on a beach, where should you go to avoid (躲避) the earthquake ( ) A. Sea B. Lower ground C. Higher ground Step 4 Post-task Activity 1 Read the sentences. Decide if the following actions are right (√) or wrong (×). When the earthquake started … 1 … I hid under a table. 2 … Sam sat on his desk. 3 … Alice ran out of the building. 4 … Peter and Helen stayed in their car. 5 … my family and I moved away from the beach. Activity 2 Answer the questions. Use the words and expressions in the box. brave inside keep calm power lines street lights warn 1. What is difficult to do before an earthquake 2. Where should you stay before the ground stops shaking 3. What should you do when you are with other people 4. What shouldn’t you stand near or under in the street Activity 3 Work in pairs. Do the following research. Inside your school Make a list of safe places and dangerous places at your school if an earthquake happens. Note where the nearest stairs and doors to the outside of the school buildings are. Outside your school Make a list of places near your school. Note if they are safe or dangerous. Note where the streets go, and where street lights and power lines are. Activity 4 Writing Work in groups of four. If a ... ...

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