
Unit 8Lesson46Home to Many Cultures 教学设计2023-2024学年冀教版九年级英语全册

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:35次 大小:21586Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 46 Home to Many Cultures Ⅰ.预习单(引导学生进行课前自主活动,环节设计要有指导、有层次,杜绝做成练习题形式。)单独一个Word文档。 Ⅱ.教学设计 教材分析 What:本课为说明文,题目是许多文化的家园,全篇课文分为五段。第一段第一句是本课的真正的题目。第一段讲得是加拿大的民族,第二段讲的是加拿大是一个移民国家,加拿大的官方语言是英语和法语,每一个人都能说两种语言。很难描述加拿大是什么样的人,没有独特的饮食,宗教和音乐。 Why:英法血统为主的多种民族,来自世界各地不同国家移民,语言多种多样,饮食多种多样,宗教多种多样,音乐多种多样,从而构成了一个多元文化的国家。因而说加拿大是多种文化的聚集地。 How:加拿大有许多不同的地方,但有一个相同的地方。It’s that people should respect and accept one another and help one another.这是一个表语从句。第三段第一句,Although引出的句子是本单元的重点语法。课文最后一句:It’s important to keep different languages,religions and customs alive.这一句回应题目,动词不定式作主语。 二、教学目标 1. To master the new words and some useful phrases in this lesson. 2. To practice listening and reading skills: search for specific information and get useful information in the text. 3.Learn the different cultures in Canada. 三、重点难点 1 some useful phrases. 2 Talk about different cultures in Canada 四 教学过程(依据教学目标设计教学活动) (一)导入新课 1问题导入How much do you know about Canada 2,预习单导入 讲授新课 ( 1.)学习新单词 Words studying. Words practicing 展示思维导图 Home to Many Cultures I.People 3% First Nations More than half British or French blood The rest every part of the world II.Immigrants from Europe from Asia III.Languages Official -- English and French Speaking -- of their first country and English or French IV.What is an Canadian V.Understanding way Respect and accept and help one another ( 3 ) Reading task Listen and read the text. Listen to the text again and answer the questions. 3. The structure of the passage. ( 4 ). Language points 1.be home to 2. rest, the rest of … 3.not really 4. in the 1970s 5.according to 6. the number of 7. one another (5 )Let’s d o it (1)Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1,What percent of Canadians are from the First Nations   2. What languages do most immigrants to Canada speak   3. Why are there many cultures in Canada   4. What's the Canadian way of understanding the world ( 6 ). Discussion Imagine that you come from Canada, this is your first time to China. This is a good chance to talk with your Chinese friends. (About your nation, culture, way of understanding or living habits) Step7. Dig in The culture differences between different people and places in China. 设计意图 1 通过展示的图片掌握课文中的新词汇 2巩固掌握新词汇,为阅读课文做准备 有任务的听读练习,提高听读水平 4,巩固和掌握文中重点词汇用法及课文内容 5,对文章中出现的知识点,及时指出并讲解,为以后做题奠定基础 6,学习更多加拿大文化相关内容,提高口语水平 7,了解中国文化差异。 五、 板书设计 Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 46 Home to Many Cultures Words: percent, central, immigrant, official, custom, aliv ... ...

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