
Unit 7Lesson 39教学设计2023-2024学年冀教版英语九年级上册

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:47次 大小:715463Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 39 Having Good Relationships in Your Community 一、语篇研读 What;本课语篇讲述了如何处理好邻里关系。包括邻里关系的重要性,当邻居做了一些你不喜欢的事情,你应该怎样与他们正确交流?以及怎样发展邻里关系 Why;为了追求和平的生活,我们要善待周围的人,热心去帮助那些需要帮助的人,不单单是家人,朋友,我们更要善待邻居。人与人之间生活方式不同,思考问题角度不同,应该互相理解和包容,这样才能发展好人际关系。 How:本课语篇讲术了如何处理好邻里关系。主要包括三部分内容;第一部分邻里关系的重要性。第二部分:邻居做了一些你不喜欢的事情,你应该怎样与他们正确交流。第三部分:通过几个邻里关系的小故事,教育学生怎样发展邻里关系 主题词汇:lock asleep snake not only... but also fall asleep等。语篇中使用了一般现在时。 二、教学目标 通过本课的学习,学生能够: 1、熟练掌握本课单词、短语和句型。 2、本文的中心话题是“人际关系”,主要谈论了当别人做了 你不喜欢的事情或是冒犯了你,你应该怎样做?并且能够写出怎样发展良好的邻里关系。 三、教学重难点 1、掌握本课所学单词和短语的用法。 2、激发学生兴趣,向他人讲述邻里关系的重要性。 四、教学过程(依据教学目标设计教学活动) Step 1 Warming up The teacher tells a story of “Six feet lane”Do you know the story Ss:Yes(No). 设计意图:以故事开始新课,吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣。 Step II Presentation 1.用多媒体设备展示几张生活中与他人发生不愉快事件的图片,让学生回答问题。 (1)当你遇到上面图片中的问题时,你会怎样处理 (2)在与邻居相处时,你有什么好的建议 设计意图:通过图片自然的导入本课教学内容。 2.图片出示讲解单词。设计意图:使学生一目了然,学起来感幸趣且轻松。 3.听力任务。 Listen to the lesson and tick the things that help develop good relationships in your community. Offer help to those in need. Respect your neighbours and be kind to them. □If your neighbours have different ways of living,tell them they are wrong. □If your neighbours do something that upsets you, discuss the matter in a friendly way. OIf your neighbours play loud music, force them to turn it off 设计意图;有任务的听读练习,提高听读水平. 4.读课文完成所给任务。 设计意图:充分调动学生主动参与的意识,增添了学生语言学习的乐趣,加深对课文的理解。 5.Explain the language points of this lesson. 设计意图:本课的知识点较多,教师拿出来详解对学生掌握本课知识点有益。 Step 2 Drill 1.Circle the prepositions to complete the sentences. (1)He is always ready to help those(in/with) need. (2)We wish to develop a long-term business relationship with/for) you. (3)I have to limit my talk(of/to)20 minutes (4)As a matter of fact, most disputes can be solved (in/to) a friendly way. (5)One of the best ways (on/of) learning a foreign language is to use it in practice. 2. There is one mistake in each sentence Can you find and correct it (1)The task wasn't as bored as I first thought. (2)I left the day away without do anything at all. (3)His parents won't allow him staying out late. (4)He put the animals-dogs, cats, birds and snakes on the ship and lock the door. (5)Thereare time when my neighbour asks me to look after her pet dog. 设计意图:检查学生对重点语言点的掌握情况。 Step 3 Homework Work in pairs. Suppose ... ...

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