

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:81次 大小:1265152Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Good evening! Work while you work; Play while you play; This is the way; To be cheerful and gay. 工 作 时 工 作, 玩 乐 时 玩 乐, 依 此 方 法 做, 轻 松 与 欢 乐。 How do you do Lesson 9 Words and expressions employee [im 'pl ii ] n. 雇员//employer [ im 'pl i ] n. 雇主 sales reps ['seilz- 'reps ] 推销员(=sales representatives)(口语) hardworking [' ha:d' w :ki ] a. 努力工作的;勤奋的(= industrious) man [ m n ] n. 男人,人类,人 All man are born equal. /Be a man! office [' fis ] n. 办公室 post/patent/telegragh/lawyer’s office (邮局/专利局/电报局/律师事务所) assistant [ ' sistent ] n.助手;助理;助教,店员 Mr. Jackson: Come and meet our employees. Mr. Richards. Mr. Richards: Thank you, Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson: This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor. Mr. Richards: How do you do Those women are very hard-working. What are their jobs Mr. Jackson: They are keyboard operators. This is Michael Baker, and this is Jeremy Short. Mr. Richards: How do you do They aren’t very busy! What are their jobs Mr. Jackson: They are sales reps. They are very lazy. Mr. Richards: Who is this young man Mr. Jackson: This is Jim. He’s our office assistant. Listen, read and say! 介绍他人  This is…/ These are… 初次见面(问答)  How do you do (您好)  Nice to meet you./Nice meeting you. 询问他人姓名  What’s his/her name  Who’s this young man Language points practice1 What are their jobs sales reps keyboard operators What are their jobs Are they office assistants No, they aren’t. They are sales reps. Are these men policemen No, they aren’t. Are they sales reps No, they aren’t. What are their jobs They are keyboard operators. mechanics engineers Tom and Jack are dear friends. They work in the same office. And they are often very busy. What do they do You mean their jobs They’re mechanics. Look at these men! Their suits are black. They are not office assistants. And they are not very busy sometimes. They are engineers. They are hard-working. customs officers taxi drivers nurses hairdressers What are their jobs They are… policemen policewomen air hostesses housewives babies postmen What do they do? They are… practice2 Example mechanics(sales reps) What are their jobs Are they mechanics or sales reps They aren’t mechanics. They are sales reps. 1 postmen(policemen) 2 policewomen(customs officers) 3 doctors(nurses) 4 engineers(housewives) 5 policemen(taxi drivers) 6 hair dressers(keyboard operators) 名 词 的 复 数 an umbrella some umbrellas a dog two dogs a handbag several handbags 一般在词尾加s. 浊辅音与元音后面读/z/ two hats a hat one ticket some tickets a carpet many carpets 一般在词尾加s 变为复数后 ts 读/ts/ ds 读/ds/ a friend some friends a book a pen an apple one cake some books three pens some apples three cakes 一般在词尾加s. 清辅音后面读/s/ a bus a box a brush a watch three buses three boxes two brushes four watches 以s,x,sh,ch结尾的名词,加es, 读/iz/ a strawberry some strawberries one baby ... ...

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