
人教版(PEP)五上 Unit 6 In a nature park 第二课时 课件+素材

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:24次 大小:133751974Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 In a nature park water bottle plant nature park Lead in nature park意思是天然公园,指为人们观赏、接触大自然而设立的公园。主要以自然风光取胜,人造景观较少、对公园内环境的人为改造也较少。 nature park Chen Jie and John are looking at the map of a nature park. What’s in the park Presentation Is there a forest in the nature park Yes, there is. a tree many trees Is there a hill in the nature park Yes, there is. 成语“三山五岳”泛指各地名山。三山是指以旅游胜地闻名的黄山、庐山和雁荡山,五岳是指泰山、华山、衡山、嵩山和恒山。 三山五岳 拓展 Is there a lake in the nature park Yes, there is. Is there a river in the nature park Yes, there is. hill mountain lake river forest Look and match Let’s learn hill mountain lake river forest Is there a river in the park Yes, there is. Listen to the tape and follow it. What’s missing Practice 河流 forest mountain 湖 hill river 森林 forest lake 高山 小山 Play a game 出现中文,说出英文;出现英文,说出中文。比比谁快。 Draw and ask Is there a river in front of the mountain Yes, there is. Draw a nature park. Then talk about it with your partner. Is there a river in front of the mountain Yes, there is. river hill mountain lake forest in front of near beside behind Practice in pairs 一、看图片写单词。 Exercises (  ) 1. There     a forest in the picture. A. are    B. is    C. has (  ) 2. —Is there a nature park here —Yes,     . A. there isn’t B. there is C. there are B B 二、单项选择。

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