
Module1Wonders of the world. 单元测试 B卷·能力提升(含解析)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:26次 大小:124215Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module1(B卷.能力提升) 班级_____ 姓名_____ 学号_____ 分数_____ (时间:60分钟,满分:100分) 一、单项选择(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.Every driver must pay attention to road _____ when they drive. A.history B.service C.signs D.scenes 2.—Hi, Tim, what about your summer holiday —Oh! It _____ some sweet memories in my heart in the past several weeks. A.has left B.is leaving C.will leave D.leaves 3.The doctor _____ him and said there was nothing serious but a cold. A.looked for B.looked over C.looked across D.looked up 4.He had to retire(退休)early_____poor health. A.as a result B.because C.so D.because of 5.I was so tired that I could _____ walk any farther. A.nearly B.hardly C.really D.mostly 6.The weather is going to be cold here in January. The temperature usually falls _____ zero. A.on B.under C.above D.below 7.Photos are _____, but they say a lot about our lives. A.special B.strange C.silent D.sweet 8.—He is in a bad mood these days. —He is _____ a divorce (离婚) at the moment. A.going through B.getting through C.running through D.passing through 9.You can see many tall trees on _____ sides of the streets in Nanning City. A.each B.every C.both D.the other 10.— I think we can make a poster for the concert. — A.Good luck! B.Thanks a lot. C.Have a good trip D.That’s a fantastic idea! 二、完形填空(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) Have you ever been near an animal you were afraid of How close have you been to a dangerous snake Well, Tony Kepler raises killer snakes for a living and he loves his 11 . He has been working with them since he was a little boy and he’s not 12 at all. Tony’s father has been a snake handler(驯蛇师) for twenty years and he has taught his son a lot about them. Now Tony is 13 to make money from snakes. In order to 14 the venom (毒液), he has to find rattlesnakes in the western part of the United States. He sends the venom to a 15 where they make it into something called “anti-venin”. Anti-venin is what they give people 16 they have been bitten(咬) by a poisonous(有毒的) snake. This anti-venin is really helpful in 17 the person who has been bitten. He has been making his living this way for five years and feels 18 . Tony’s dad has handled nearly 1,000 snakes in his lifetime. And hundreds of people go to him to 19 how to deal with snakes. Tony's dad has been willing to 20 everything about how to hold, how to feed and how to get venom from snakes. But not everyone 21 get used to the idea of picking up a snake. Many people heard 22 stories about snakes when they were children and have been afraid of them ever since. Tony has been trying to educate people about the positive things snakes do. For one thing, they help 23 the rat and mouse population. Snakes are also very clean and 24 and they seldom trouble humans. Tony’s job is very different from any other job I’ve heard of, but it is a really 25 one. Without venom collectors, many people would be i ... ...

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