
Unit 5 Signs 综合拔高检测B卷(含听力原文和答案 无听力音频)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:22次 大小:60416Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年译林三起版英语上册六年级五单元综合检测B卷 一、听录音,选出句中你所听到的内容。 ( ) 1. A.sign B.see C. sing ( ) 2. A.park B.paper C. play ( ) 3. A.small B.smoke C. smell ( ) 4. A.little B.litter C. letter ( ) 5. A.flew B.floor C. foolish 二、听录音,根据所听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. A.No parking. B.No swimming. C. No fishing. ( ) 2. A.He’s chatting with his mum. B.He’s washing hands in the bathroom. C. He’s looking for his shoes. ( ) 3. A.A sign. B.A shopping centre. C. A supermarket. ( ) 4. A.It was in the cinema. B.It was at home. C. It was in the park. ( ) 5. A.It means “No swimming”. B.It means “No smoking”. C. It means “No sleeping”. 三、听录音,补全句子。 Mike and Tim are at a . There are a lot of in it. The sign near the door means the is . The sign on the means they can’t here. In the bookshop, they can read and books. But they can’t or there. 四、翻译词组。 1.购物中心_____ 2.小心地滑_____ 3.禁止停车_____ 4.在饭店里_____ 5.禁止乱丢垃圾_____ 6.禁止吸烟_____ 7.进入_____ 8.带入_____ 9.小心_____ 10.禁止吃喝_____ 五、根据句意提示,补全单词,完成句子。 1、 Helen can’t (携带) her pet dog into a juice shop. 2、 Where (be) you yesterday I (be) at home. I (do) my homework and (watch) TV. 3、 My uncle is a (drive). He (like) (drive). He is good at (drive). 4、 Look, the boy (is walking / walking) on the grass. 5、 What does it mean It means you can’t here. 六、选择题 1、 The sign says “_____”. We should not get close to it.( ) A.No eating or drinking B.Danger C.Wet floor 2、 They find a sign _____ the tree and a bird _____ the tree.( ) A.on; in B.on; on C.in; on 3、 _____ when you cross the road.( ) A.To care B.Be careful C.To be careful D.Be care 4、 Mike can use a _____ to call his parents anywhere now.( ) A.telephone B.mobile phone C.radio 5、 The sign “No _____” is _____ the tree.( ) A.climbing; in B.climb; in C.climbing; on D.climb; on 6、 Look at the sign “_____” on the wall. You should keep away from the building.( ) A.No parking B.No littering C.Danger 7、 What’s the matter _____ Tom. He is wet through.( ) His car ran _____ the river. A.with; in B.to; into C.with; into 8、 _____ can help us learn _____ about the world.( ) A.Reading; a lot of B.Read; lots of C.Reading; a lot D.Read; a lot 9、 Please don’t _____ here, sir. There is an underground park there.( ) A.parking B.parks C.park 10、Is someone _____ in the next room I can hear it.( ) A.singing B.smoking C.drawing 七、按要求完成句子。 1、 Please give a banana to me. (改同义句) Please a banana. 2、 Mike caught a big fish yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) Mike a big fish yesterday 3、 Wang Bing can find the sign on the wall. (对划线部分提问) Wang Bing the sign 4、 These signs on the wall mean “Danger”. (改为单数句) sign on the wall “Danger”. 5、 The sign on the tree means “No climbing”. (改为同义句) The sign on the tree means we tree. 八、连词成句 1、 restaurant, we’re, in, some, eating, noo ... ...

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