
商务英语口语(电子工业版)同步教学 Unit1 Unit 1 Job Interview(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-09-22 科目: 类型:课件 查看:61次 大小:19977480Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Job Interview Hi, you guys. I’m Michael. I am going to graduate from a professional college majoring Business English. I am looking for a job. Hello everyone. I am Michael’s friend, Nemo. I am a super intelligent robot . I have super learning power and so I am incredibly knowledgeable. Task 1 Look at the comics, describe it and then discuss it with your partners. Words and expressions for your reference: black suit nervous confident book worm human resources grey-haired degree experienced resume practical work skills Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Part 1 Warm-up part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 Tip 1 _____ Tip 2 _____ Tip 3 _____ Task 2 Fill in the blanks Part 1 Warm-up Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 I am going to have my first job interview, but Nemo is not here. So would you like to give me some tips for a successful interview Task 3 Listen to the dialogue and finish the questions 1. What are the tips Nancy gave to Michael Let’s sum up. Some of tips have been listed. Part 1Warm-up Tip 1 Tip 2 Do some homework before going to an interview. You should know: a. b. c. How is the company doing lately                     Tip 3 _____ a. They might ask you some questions about Finance theories;     b._____ c. _____ Tip 4 _____ Prepare a resume What kind of business is it in Think about questions they might ask you during the interview. They might tell you about a problem and want you to come up with a solution. They may ask you to describe yourself Make sure you are on time What types of products they sell Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Here are some good expressions used in the conversation. Heavy work-schedule (1)_____ Look closely 认真查阅 Do some homework (2)_____ Come up with a solution 想出解决办法 If/When the situation arises (3)_____ Give a bad impression (4)_____ Good decision! 不错的决定 Find a good job in no time (5)_____ Part 1 Warm-up 繁忙的工作安排 做功课 当发生情况时 留下不好的印象 尽快找到理想工作 2. Fill out the Chinese meaning of some of the expressions used in the conversation. Part 1 Warm-up Script of Task 3 Nancy: Are you looking for a job Michael: I already finished my studies and graduated last week. Now, I want to land a job. Nancy: How long have you been looking for a new job Michael: I just started this week. Nancy: Didn’t you have any interviews with those firms that came to our campus last month Michael: I could only get 3 interviews because of my heavy work-schedule. Nancy: You have prepared a resume, right Michael: Yes. Nancy: My friends told me that it helps to do some homework before you go to an interview. You need to know the company well—what kind of business it is in What types of products they sell How it has been doing lately Michael: Yes, I know. I am doing some research on companies that I want to work for. I want to be ready whenever they call me in for an interview. Nancy: Have you thought about questions they might ask you during the interview ... ...

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