

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:92次 大小:1273140Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 期末质量调研卷(二)英语六年级上册人教PEP版 一、单选题 1.—_____ ( ) —I can take my father’s car. A.How can you get there B.Why can you go to C.When can you get to 2.—Where does your mother work ( ) —_____ A.She likes singing. B.She works in a post office. C.She is a scientist. 3.My uncle _____ swimming and _____ healthy. ( ) A.goes; stay B.goes; stays C.like; stays 4.Sam’s legs hurt. He can’t go to school. He is _____. ( ) A.afraid B.angry C.sad 5.She is good at singing. She is a _____. ( ) A.singer B.dancer C.cleaner 6.—Mum, it’s snowy outside. I feel cold. ( ) —Honey, you should _____. A.count to ten B.take a deep breath C.wear your scarf 7.He is going _____ on a trip to Xi’an. ( ) A.going B.to go C.go 8.Turn right _____ the teaching building. ( ) A.on B.in C.at 二、中英互译:单词/短语 英汉互译。 9.交通规则 . 10.on foot . 11.慢下来 . 12.get off . 13.向右看 . 三、用单词正确形式填空 14.Turn left at the (one) park. 15.He often (swim) after school. 16.He angry. (feel) 17.Linda and Lucy (be) going to take a trip this summer holiday. 18.Mike now (have) big eyes. 四、句图匹配 A.Don't touch the door. B.No bikes. C. Don’t turn right. D.Stop. E. Turn left. 19.( )20.( ) 21.( )22.( )23.( ) 五、填内容补全对话/短文 根据课文内容补全对话 Mike: Good morning, Mrs Smith! Mrs Smith: Hi, children. You're early. 24 Amy: Usually, I come 25 . Sometimes I come 26 . Mike: I often come 27 . Amy: How do you come to school, Mrs Smith 28 Mrs Smith: Sometimes, but 29 . Mike: That's good 30 六、阅读选择 Dan is the doorman of a club in a big city. Every day, many people passed his door, and a lot of them stopped and asked him, “What's the time, please ” After a few months, Dan said to himself, “I'm not going to answer this easy question any more. I'm going to go to a shop and buy a big clock. Then I'm going to put it up on the wall here.” He bought a clock and put it up on the wall. “Now people aren't going to stop and ask me the time any more,” he said happily. But now a lot of people stop every day, look at the clock and then say to Dan, “Is that clock right ” 31.What does Dan do ( ) A.He is a worker. B.he is a businessman. C.He is a doorman. 32.What did people ask at first ( ) A.Where is the club B.What's the time C.What day is it 33.Dan bought a clock because _____. ( ) A.he always know the time B.he lost his watch C.he didn't like to answer the time 34.What do people ask Dan now ( ) A.What's the time B.Where is the clock C.Is your clock right 35.“doorman” means _____. ( ) A.门卫 B.司钟 C.守门员 七、阅读判断 Alice is my new friend. She lives in Australia. She likes reading. Her father works in a school. He is a teacher. He goes to work by bus. Her mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She goes to work by car. Alice and her sister are twins. They look the same, but they are very different. Every morning, Alice goes to school by bike, but Ann goes t ... ...

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