

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:84次 大小:67072Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年人教PEP版英语上册六年级期末情景题提升检测B卷 一、情景专项 1、 你想知道朋友住在哪里,你应问:( ) A.Where do you live B.Do you live in shanghai C.I live in the country. 2、 如果你想让别人跟你走,你应该说:( ) A.Thank you. B.Follow me, please. C.My pleasure. 3、 当你想询问同学的爸爸怎么去上班时,你应该这样表达:( ) A.How does your father go to work B.How does your father go to school C.What does your father do 4、 你想知道对方明天打算干什么,你会问:( ) A.Where are you going tomorrow B.What are you going to do tomorrow 5、 你想告诉别人你姐姐经常做中国菜,应该说:( ) A.My sister likes Chinese food. B.My sister often cooks Chinese food. C.My sister can cook Chinese food. 二、情景专项 1、 你想知道朋友怎么上学,你会问:_____( ) A.How do you come to school B.How can I come to school C.How do you go home 2、 你想知道Mike的父亲是干什么的,如何表达:_____( ) A.What does your father do B.What does your father work 3、 红灯亮了的时候,你会提醒你的同伴:_____( ) A.Don’t go at a red light. B.Slow down and stop at a red light. C.A and B. 4、 你想知道对方打算什么时候去图书馆,你可以说: _____( ) A.How are you going to the library B.When are you going to the library 5、 你想问对方为什么不这周去游泳呢,你可以说:_____ A.Let’s go swimming this week. B.Why not go swimming this week 三、情景专项 1、 你想询问Tom今晚打算做什么,你可以说:( ) A.What are you going to do tonight B.Where are you going tonight 2、 当你的朋友生气时,你会给他什么建议?( ) A.You should do more exercise. B.You should take a deep breath and count to ten. C.You should wear warm clothes. 3、 有人向你问路,到目的地电影院需要一直走,到第二个十字路口右转就可以到达,你会说:( ) A.Go straight and turn right at the second crossing. You can see the cinema. B.Go straight and turn left at the second crossing. You can see the cinema. C.Go straight and turn right at the first crossing. You can see the cinema. 4、 你想知道陈洁明天打算做什么,应说:_____( ) A.How do you go there B.What are you going to do tomorrow, Chen jie C.Where are you going tomorrow 5、 当你的朋友看起来很生气,你会说:( ) A.You should take a deep breath and count to ten. B.You should wear warm clothes. C.You can stay at home. 四、情景专项 1、 当你不知道如何去博物馆时,你应该怎么问?( ) A.How can I get to the library B.How can I get to the museum C.Where is the museum 2、 你想让对方和你一起去游泳池,你可以说:( ) A.Let’s go to swim. B.Let's learn to swim. C.Let's go to the swimming pool. 3、 你想告诉大家老鼠是坏的, 你应该说:( ) A.The mice are afraid. B.The mice are sad. C.The mice are bad. 4、 同学问你打算什么时候要去旅行如何表达:_____( ) A.What are you going to take a trip B.When are you going to take a trip C.Where are going to take a trip 5、 别人问你John有什么爱好,你可以回答说:( ) A.He likes reading stories. B.No, he doesn’t. C.What are Peter’s hobbies 五、情景专项 1、 当你想说“他打算去买一张关于太空旅行的明信片。”时,应说:( ) A.He is going to send a postcard abo ... ...

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