

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:83次 大小:1033705Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 期末模拟测试卷-英语六年级上册人教新起点版 一、选择题 1.Li Bai was famous for his _____. ( ) A.paintings B.poems C.inventions 2.—How _____ is the ostrich ( ) —It can run at 70 kilometers an hour. A.fast B.old C.heavy 3._____ is famous for West Lake. ( ) A.Sanya B.Hangzhou C.Suzhou 4.What _____ Mike do last week ( ) A.did B.does C.do 5.Which month goes after April ( ) A.May B.June C.July 二、单词拼写 6.the UK (首都) . 7.taste (过去式) . 8.ice lantern (汉译英) . 9.win (现在分词) . 10.包饺子(汉译英) . 三、排序题 11.Read and put the sentences in order. (将下列句子连成一段完整的对话) ( ) The winter vacation is coming. What are you going to do ( ) And ( ) I am also going to read some books. ( ) I am going to help my parents do some chores. 四、匹配题 A. B. C. D. E. 12.They have big mouths. They swim very fast in the sea. ( ) 13.Boys like to play basketball after school. ( ) 14.Bob is angry because Tom takes away his robot. ( ) 15.Tibet is famous for the Potala Palace. ( ) 16.We usually eat moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival. ( ) 五、补全短文 短文填空 Long ago the monster 17 (live) in China. He often 18 (come)to small villages just before New Year, 19 (eat) animals and people. Everyone 20 (is) very afraid of him. They 21 (take) all their things and 22 (run) to the mountains. An old man came. He 23 (says) to an old women. He 24 (want) to scare the monster away. Everyone 25 (tell) the old man to go. The old man 26 (stay). At midnight the monster 27 (see) the women’s house. He 28 (tremble) with fear. He 29 (hate)the color red. He looked inside the house. The old man 30 (see) the monster and 31 (come) outside. He 32 (light) some firecrackers. The monsters 33 (is) very afraid of noise. He 34 (run )back to the ocean. Everyone was very happy. They 35 (thank) the old man. 六、完形填空 完形填空 This is 36 picture of our classroom. It’s 37 big room. We can 38 a blackboard on the wall. We can see two 39 in the room. We can see a big desk. It’s for 40 teacher. Three books and a pen are 41 it. They’re our teacher’s. 42 these desks and chairs. They are the 43 . A ball is under the teacher’s desk. Dingding’s bag is behind 44 chair. Her rulers and pencils are on 45 desk. 36.( )A.a B.an C.the D./ 37.( )A.a B.an C./ D.the 38.( )A.look B.see C.look at D.look out 39.( )A.doors B.a door C.a bike D.bikes 40.( )A.a B.an C.the D./ 41.( )A.under B.on C.behind D.near 42.( )A.Look at B.See C.Look after D.Look up 43.( )A.students’ B.student’s C.students D.student 44.( )A.his B.her C.my D.mine 45.( )A.her B.I C.she D.he 七、阅读理解 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 The park There is a new park near my house. It’s a fine day today. My family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. There’s a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says, “Don’t sw ... ...

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