
北师大版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 5 Education Writing Workshop课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:97次 大小:4186358Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 教学目标 学习完本课后,学生能够做到:1. 学习描述图片中的具体内容和细节。2. 提高理解和分析图画信息的能力。3. 掌握如何从图画中提炼主题和寓意,并进行合理的解读。4. 学习和使用相关的词汇和表达方式来描述人物、场景和行为。5. 通过讨论和分享,增强对图画信息的理解和表达能力。 Teaching aim At the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. Learn to describe the specific content and details in the picture. 2. Improve the ability to understand and analyze picture information. 3. Master how to extract the theme and meaning from the picture and make a reasonable interpretation. 4. Learn and use relevant vocabulary and expressions to describe people, situations and actions. 5. Enhance the abilityto understanding and express picture information through discussion and sharing. Unit 5 Education Writing Workshop A Picture Description Period 1 (1) What do you see in the picture I see two boys and a bottle on the ground. The boy on the left says, “Terrible! There’s nothing left.” The boy on the right says, “Wow, there’s some left.” You are going to write an essay to describe a picture. Look at picture A. Discuss with your partner. Perceive & notice (2) How would you describe the boy on the left and the boy on the right The boy on the left focuses on the loss and the boy on the right focuses on what is left. Perceive & notice People always hold different attitude towards things. It is we who decide our attitude and the result. (3) What lesson do you think the picture is trying to teach us Perceive & notice Which attitude is better to have Why Give examples in your life when this happened Critical thinking Criticize & evaluate Reading (1) What’s the weather like (2) What is the man doing? (3) Why is this an odd thing to do (4) What’s the man’s personality (5) What lesson is the picture trying to teach Acquire & comb Look at picture B below and read the essay. Then answer the following questions. (1) What’s the weather like It is raining heavily. (2) What is the man doing? He is watering the flowers with a watering can. (3) Why is this an odd thing to do Because the plants don’t need the extra water he is providing. Acquire & comb Reading (4) What’s the man’s personality The man loves routines and does without thinking. (5) What lesson is the picture trying to teach The picture is trying to teach us that it is important to have routines and timetables, but sometimes routines can control us. It is important not to become obsessed with routines and schedules. Sometimes we need to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. Reading a Analysis of the picture/person b Description c Lessons from the picture d General introduction Complete the structure of the text by putting the different parts in the correct order. d a c b Writing Summarize & integrate Sentence Builder 精华句型训练 Linking Words: Reasons Because A man is wearing a hat and an apron, and is carrying an umbrella because it i ... ...

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