ID: 18561364

译林版(2020) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Out of This World Extended reading课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:14次 大小:539922B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Extended reading Do you want o explore the space Why To find out more reasons, let’s read the magazine article arguing for space exploration on page 25-26. Read the article and complete the chart below : Why do we continue to explore space Para 2 Para 4 Para 3 Para 5 Para 6 Our nature An understanding of the universe Solve problems facing mankind Bring economic value Provide education and inspiration for next generations Para 1 Para 1 What’s the reality of space exploration In 1969, when Neil Armstrong first landed on the Moon, many people thought that soon we would be regularly visiting other planets in our solar system and would even dare to travel beyond it. This is clearly not the case. The reality is that space exploration is extremely difficult and dangerous, can take a very long time and costs a huge amount of money. Some people believe that while space exploration expands our understanding of the universe, it is a waste of the public purse and does nothing to enhance the quality of our lives here on the Earth. Why do we continue to explore space, then expand one’s understading of ... 拓宽对。。。的认知 This / That / It is clearly not the case. 情况显然不是这样。 Para 2 What is our nature in exploration It is in our nature to explore. From the very early days of human life on the Earth, our curiosity about the unknown has kept us adventuring into new places. We long to visit thick and wild forests, climb vast mountain ranges, and cross deep oceans. We desire to explore the furthest frontier of all—space. As Stephen Hawking once said, “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” That we are fascinated by the sky is evident in ancient tales from around the world, such as that of Chang’e. While space exploration is a reality, we remain curious about the mysteries of the universe. With each space mission comes greater insight, thus motivating us to continue along the same path of adventure. 我们渴望探索茂密的原始森林,攀登广袤的山脉,穿越深邃的海洋。 记住要仰望星空,不要只低头看脚。试图理解你所看到的,思索宇宙为何存在,好奇一点。 介词短语放句首,完全倒装,正常语序为: Greater insight comes with each space mission, … thus motivating ... 为分词短语作状语 省略,not ( to look ) down It is in our nature to explore. Para 3 What fundamental questions can exploring space solve The results of these space investigations have made major contributions to an understanding of the origin, evolution, and likely future of the universe, such as planets, stars, and all other forms of matter and energy. Exploring space helps address fundamental questions about our place in the universe and the history of our solar system. It is through our research into space that we have confirmed that the Earth is round and that it orbits the Sun. As we learn more about the universe, we may one da ... ...

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