ID: 21464652

人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Video Time教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:84次 大小:23365B 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 (英语) 年级 (高一) 学期 (春季) 课题 (Book3 Unit3 Video Time) 教科书 通高中教科书英语必修第三册 教学目标 语言能力目标。学生可以了解熟悉一些与单元话题及视频内容相关的一些词汇表达,global village, multiculturalism, resident, ethnicity, cherish, Hispanic, random, melting pot. 文化意识目标。学生通过对文化多样性的了解,学生能够提出个人对文化多样性的见解,形成正确的价值观,树立人类命运共同体的意识。 思维品质目标。学生通过视频的观看和解读理解其所传递的丰富信息、思想、情感和观点,体会背后所隐含的意义,形成自己的领悟。 学习能力目标。学生通过对文化多样性的了解,学生能够提出个人对文化多样性的见解,形成正确的价值观,树立人类命运共同体的意识。 教学内容 教学重点: 1. 词汇运用。通过视线的预习和视频的观看,学生可以了解新的词汇的意思和应用,并能在后续的观点表达中进行实操。 2. 信息处理。通过观看视频,学生可以获取关键信息并将所需信息提炼处理,并能在问题回答时合理运用所获信息。 教学难点: 1. 文化意识。通过观看视频,学生可以在自己民族文化的基础上了解国外的文化,学习文化的多元性。 2. 思维表达。通过观看视频和自主思考,学生可以明白多元文化所带来的机遇和挑战,能够思考青少年在当今世界多元文化背景下该如何应对,并且能够自主地将观点表达出来。 教学过程 Step1 Lead in Read the pictures and answer the questions. Q1:Which one is the biggest district in New York City? Q2:What do you think of Queens? Step2 Before watch 1.Read the material and answer the questions. Q3:What does melting pot refer to Q4:Why is the city considered as world's biggest melting pot? 2.Match each word or phrase with the correct definition. (1) global village ____ the fact of belonging to a particular race (2) multiculturalism ____ without a set plan or pattern (3) resident ____ used to describe a world where everything is connected (4) ethnicity ____ someone who lives in a place (5) cherish ____ a place where people of different backgrounds live together (6) Hispanic ____ accepting and including people from different cultures (7) random ____ treat with care and love (8) melting pot ____ a person whose first language is Spanish, especially one from Latin America living in the US Step3 While watch Complete the sentences with correct words. (1). The residents of Queens come from _____ different nations. (2). More than _____ different languages are spoken in Queens. (3). The family of one woman who was interviewed has been Puerto Rican for more than _____ generations. (4). A 2001 study measured diversity based on how likely it is for _____ randomly selected people to have different backgrounds. (5). This survey can prove that Queens is the _____ place in the US. 2.Watching and thinking Q5:Who are those speakers in the video Q6:What are they talking about Q7:Which ethnicities do they mentioned Tick them while watching. Step4 After watch Discuss the following questions in groups. Q8:Do you think it would be easy to live in Queens if you were an immigrant Why or why not Q9:Do you think China is a diverse country?Why or why not? Step5 Homework Post you ideas on the Internet and sh ... ...

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