

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:42次 大小:216271Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2023-2024学年人教新目标版英语九年级上册期末题型分项专题复习--语法选择 (1) On Feb.24,18-year-old Su Yiming received 1_____ very special letter from President Xi Jimping. He couldn't believe it at first. 2_____ excited he was! In the letter, President Xi congratulated Su and other players on their wonderful 3 _____at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Su still remembered Xi's visit to the National Winter Sports Training Center in Beijing 4_____2019. President Xi Jinping told the athletes and coaches to aim high and to show the new generation of Chinese youth on the world stage. Xi also hoped that young Chinese people should always 5_____ the motherland in their hearts and stay grounded(脚踏实地的). Su Yiming 6_____ by Xi's encouragement. He decided to believe in7_____. He knew he must give his all to realize his dream. After Su Yiming won the gold medal, he couldn't help 8_____ a letter to President Xi.He really wanted to thank President Xi Jinping from the bottom of his heart. In his letter to Xi, Su said he would work even9_____and serve the nation better in the future. Let's learn from Su Yiming 10_____is the Olympic snowboarding(单板滑雪) gold medalist(奖牌得主). ( )1.A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )2.A.What B.What a C.What an D.How ( )3. A. a achievement B.achievements C.achievement D.an achievement ( )4.A.on B.at C.in D.of ( )5.A. keep B.keeps C. kept D. has kept ( )6.A. move B.moved C. was moved D.moves ( )7. A. he B.him C.his D. himself ( )8.A. write B.writing C.to write D.writes ( )9.A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.hardly ( )10.A.which B.what C.who D.whom (2) One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, "Are all people the same even though they are different 1_____ colors " It was a serious question. I thought for a while, and then said, "I'll explain it sooner.Let's g to a fruit shop. I have something 2_____ to show you." At the fruit shop, we bought some apples in different colors -red, green and yellow ones. After we got home, I told Adam, "It's time3_____your question now." I put one apple of each kind color on the table. Adam watched 4_____ . He had 5 _____curious look on his face. "People are like apples. They come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. On the outside, some of the apples may not even look as delicious as 6_____ ." While I was talking. Adam was checking each one carefully. Then, I took each of the apples and peeled them, placing them back on the table, but in a different place. “Okay, Adam, tell me the differences.” He said, "I 7_____ tell. They all look the same now.”“Take a bite of each one.See 8_____ that helps you.” He took big bites, and then a huge smile 9_____across his face. "People are just like apples! They are all different, 10_____ once you take off the outside, they're pretty much the same on the inside." He totally got it. I didn't need to say or do anything else. ( )1.A.with B.for C. from D.in ( )2.A. interested B.interesting C.interest D.interestingly ( )3.A. answer B. answered C.answering ... ...

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