
北京市通州区2023-2024学年三年级上学期期末英语试卷(PDF版 无答案,无听力原文及听力音频 )

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:47次 大小:1560755Byte 来源:二一课件通
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三、听对话,根据对话内容判新句子正误。正确的在括号内写“T”,错误的写 注意 2023一2024学年度第一学期通州区小学三年级 “F”。每段对话读三遍。 水项 英语综合练习 ()16,The girl has 14 crayons. ()17.It's Monday today. 考生必须按要界 ⊙ (时长:50分钟) )18.It's going to be warm 如实填了校各. 听力部分 旺级种地名、 、看图听句子,按照听到的顺序将图片排序,将序号1一10写到图片下的括 (19.The girl has a pencil. ( )20.The girl likes the balls on the Christmas tree. 不破,不阴夏, 号内。每个句子读两遍。 赋雪人员不邮苦 四,听对话,格人名与图片中的人物连线。对话读三遍。 月题 ,要宋字史酒经 容五奖法, A B 学校 F G 21.Jill 22.Pat 23,Kim 24.Rose 25.Tom 班飒 二、听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确图片,并在下面的括号内打√。每段对 读写部分 话谈两遍。 五、读图,选择合适的单词将句子表达完整。将所选单词抄写到四线三格中。 12 13. gift cloudy Chinese ninety lantern bear October ruler sweater skirt 姓名 1 B0Bo 0000 26. 000 OCT It is 27. This is a book. 14. 28 MM It's a nice 29 It is today. 三环饭英还 弟】页(共3页) 30 It is a )39. What is fifty plus A B. twenty 50+20=1 40+20=1 31. 90 The number is. 色 )40 Mothers'Day is on A B. the second Sunday in 32 It's a May. May May 划0U能4R4 面0U月4 Look!There is a 1452效 4527 101 34 It is a toy 七、请你选出最佳句子将对话补充完整,把句子序号写在题号后的横线上。 A.You can enjoy the sunshine and play on the beach. It's a beautiful B.I like playing in the snow. C.And you have to take your T-shirts and shorts. 六、读句子,选择与句子相匹配的图片,将其序号写在题前括号内。 D.We are going to Harbin. E.It's very cold and snowy in winter. )36. It's cold and snowy A B Yangyang:Mike,are you going back to Canada this winter holiday in winter. Mike:No,I'm not,I want to have a trip in China. Yangyang:Where do you want to go Mike:I'm not sure.Maybe somewhere warm and sunny. Yangyang:That's a good choice in winter.You may go to Sanya.It's warm )37. The third class on A. TUE B TUE in winter.41. Tuesday morning is 」Chinese 1Motbs 2 Mnths Mike:Thank you.I like the seaside.Are you going out this winter,Yangyang English. 3 English 3P.E. Break Break Yangyang:42. 1 5clence 八: Mike:What's the weather like in Harbin 3 Englisb Yangyang:43. Mike:Do you like snowy days )38. The boy is going to A. B. Yangyang:Very much.44. do the long jump. Mike:Great!You have to take your sweater and gloves.So you can play with snow. Yangyang:Yes,sure.45. That's interesting. Mike:Wish both of us have a good holiday.

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