

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:64次 大小:291241Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 期末易错专项冲刺特训:阅读判断-英语六年级上册译林版(三起) 阅读短文,根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 In some countries, people think that red is an angry colour. They say that an angry person “sees red”. In China, red can be a happy colour. We wear red clothes at Chinese New Year, and give money in red envelopes. Some people say that the New Year monster(怪兽), Nian, will run away when he sees red. Red makes him worried and fearful(担心). What do you think about red Is it a happy colour or an angry colour Many people think that bright colours like red, yellow and orange make people feel warm and happy. How about blue In the US, there is a kind of music named “the Blues”. “The Blue songs” are often sad. Blue is the colour of the sea and the sky, so people think it is a colour which makes people feel calm(镇静的). Does blue make you feel calm Or does it make you feel sad 1.In some countries, people think that blue is an angry colour. ( ) 2.People in China wear red clothes at Chinese New Year. ( ) 3.Red makes the New Year monster Nian happy. ( ) 4.Many people think that bright colours make people feel warm and happy. ( ) 5.In the US, blue is the colour that makes people feel calm. ( ) 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,用“T”或“F”表示。 One afternoon, Mr Brown went to a fisherman’s house to buy fish for his dinner, because one of his friends would come to have dinner with him that evening. It was summer and it was very hot. Most of the fish were not so good, but the fisherman said, “Sir, all my fish are good and fresh. Would you like some ” Mr Brown took one fish up to his nose and smelled it. “Why do you smell that fish Do you think it’s bad ” asked the fisherman. Mr Brown said, “No, I’m not smelling it.” “Then what are you doing with your face so close to the fish ” asked the fisherman. “I’m not smelling the fish. I’m talking to it,” said Mr Brown. The fisherman said, “What did the fish say ” “He said he didn’t know the latest (最近的) news of the river, because he was out of the river more than a week ago.” said Mr Brown. 6.The story happened in summer. ( ) 7.Mr Brown wanted to buy fish for his dinner. ( ) 8.The weather was hot, so most of the fish were good. ( ) 9.Mr Brown smelled the fish, because he wanted to talk to the fish. ( ) 10.In fact (实际上), the fisherman caught the fish more than a week ago. ( ) 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Sunny, rainy, cloudy… the weather change (变化) every day. We can’t do anything about it. However, in the Japanese film Weathering With You 《天气之子》, a girl named Hina can change the weather. Hina lives in Tokyo. She meets a boy named Hodaka. Hodaka comes to the big city to start a new life. They quickly become friends and build a website to introduce (介绍) Hina’s magic to others. Too many people ask Hina to change the weather, and then everything goes wrong. Hina even loses her magic and has to leave. The film reminds (提醒) us that ... ...

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