

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:23次 大小:242812Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    浙江省(温州用)九年级英语寒假自我提升-基础题专练 同学们,寒假马上要开始了,我们即将迎来农历中国年,预祝同学们新年快乐!在新的一年里,同学们会进行下一个学期的学习。我们来年九月即将升入高一级学府,所以这个寒假是一个转折点,她既能伴着有心的同学提高成绩,也可能让无准备的同学感受到压力。所以请同学们与我一起,提前准备好新学期的课程。 本套专练,融合了上学期的重要知识点,又增加了下学期的部分新知识,分为基础题和能力题两种题型。现在看到的,是基础题型,请大家自由选择使用。 预祝同学在新的学期学习进步! 一、词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。 One of my favorite great books is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The story ___1___ (发生) in the town of St Petersburg, Missouri, in the US, in the ___2___ (十九) century. It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has many adventures. Tom, the ___3___ (主人公) of the book, lives with his aunt Polly. He is a lively and clever boy. He does not like people telling him what to do, so he always gets into trouble. He and his best friend, Huck Finn, run away to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River. Tom has more trouble because a bad man ___4___ (叫) Injun Joe is looking for him. Later, Tom ___5___ (逃跑) from a cave with another friend, Becky. He also finds Injun Joe’s treasure box and takes it away. My favorite part of the book is when Tom and Huck start their adventures on the island in the Mississippi River. At first, they are happy. But when they hear that everyone thinks they are dead, they feel very sorry, so they come back home. They hide and watch for a time when they see their family and neighbors coming to their ___6___ (葬礼) in the church. Then, Tom and Hack suddenly appear. Everyone is surprised to see them at first, but very pleased to find that they are ___7___ (活). The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book, it is more than an adventure story. Mark Twain wrote it in 1876. It ___8___ (描述) people’s lives in the southern states of America at that time. It tells how young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for their ___9___ (行为). It is written in everyday English, and the dialogues sound ____10____ (特别) real. Today, it is still read and loved by people all over the world and it is thought to be one of the greatest American stories. 【答案】1. happened 2. nineteenth 3. hero 4. named 5. runs 6. funeral 7. alive 8. describes 9. behaviors 10. especially 【解析】 【导语】本文主要讲述了作者最喜欢的一本书《汤姆索亚历险记》的写作背景,最喜欢的片段以及对这本书的感受。 【1题详解】 句意:故事发生在十九世纪美国密苏里州的圣彼得堡。根据“in the ... (十九) century.”可知,本句为一般过去时,happen“发生”,过去式为happened。故填happened。 【2题详解】 句意:故事发生在十九世纪美国密苏里州的圣彼得堡。根据“in the ... century”可知,此处应用序数词表示,in the nineteenth century“在十九世纪”。故填nineteenth。 【3题详解】 句意:书的主人公Tom和他的阿姨Polly生活在一起。hero“男主人公”,根据“T ... ...

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