

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:22次 大小:119442Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    浙江省(通用)八年级英语寒假自我提升-基础题专练 同学们,寒假马上要开始了,我们即将迎来农历中国年,预祝同学们新年快乐!在新的一年里,同学们会进行下一个学期的学习。我们来年九月即将升入九年级,所以这个寒假的学习状态是一个转折点,她既能伴着有心的同学提高成绩,也可能让无准备的同学感受到压力。所以请同学们与我一起,提前准备好新学期的课程。 本套专练,融合了上学期的重要知识点,又增加了下学期的部分新知识,分为基础题和能力题两种题型。现在看到的,是基础题型,请大家自由选择使用。 预祝同学在新的学期学习进步! 一、词汇运用 选择方框中所给的单词,并将选项序号填入空白处。 important, him, up, grade, however Lu Xun was one of the greatest Chinese writers. He was born in a rich family on September 25th, 1881. He grew ____1____ in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Lu Xun was a hard-working student. He got good ____2____ and enjoyed reading a lot at school. In 1902, Lu Xun went to study in Japan. Two years later, he started to study medicine there. He wanted to be a doctor and helped people to keep healthy. ____3____, he left his school two years later. From then on, he decided to be a writer. He thought it was more ____4____ to help Chinese people think right. He wrote a lot of articles. And he sent them to newspapers. Although Lu Xun died, we will remember ____5____ forever(永远). 【答案】1. up 2. grades 3. However 4. important 5 him 【导语】本文主要介绍了鲁迅的生平。 【1题详解】 句意:他在浙江绍兴长大。根据“grew...in Shaoxing”以及所给词可知此处是短语grow up“长大”。故填up。 【2题详解】 句意:他成绩很好,在学校读了很多书。根据“got good...and enjoyed reading a lot at school”以及所给词可知在学校得到好成绩,此处用名词复数grades“成绩”。故填grades。 【3题详解】 句意:然而,两年后他离开了学校。根据“He wanted to be a doctor and helped people to keep healthy...he left his school two years later”以及所给词可知前后两句是转折关系,此处用however连接。故填However。 【4题详解】 句意:他认为帮助中国人正确思考更为重要。根据“help Chinese people think right”以及所给词可知帮助中国人正常思考更重要,important“重要的”。故填important。 【5题详解】 句意:虽然鲁迅去世了,但我们将永远记住他。根据“we will remember”以及所给词可知此处代指鲁迅,作宾语用代词宾格him“他”。故填him。 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 In 2010, a porter(搬运工) carrying a heavy bag on his shoulders and walking down a hill in Chongqing while holding his 3-year-old son’s hand became popular online. Millions of people were ___1___ by the man’s love for his son and responsibility to his family. Now, over 10 years on, the father Ran Guanghui has changed his family’s ___2___ through hard work. They moved into a new apartment, which he ___3___ in 2016. His son had ___4___ and studies in middle school. The young boy does well in ___5___ and is the monitor of his class. Ran is a member of the “bang-bang army” —this is ___6___ the locals call the itinerant(流动的) porters as they usually work with a bamboo shoulder pole called bangzi in Chinese. Since the ... ...

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