

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:94次 大小:271926Byte 来源:二一课件通
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阅读理解之记叙文15篇 期末真题+名校模拟 (2022上·福建泉州·九年级校联考期末)My kids and I were driving to the supermarket over the weekend. When we arrived outside the store, there was a man holding a piece of paper that said, “Lost my job. Family to feed.” My ten-year-old son noticed him and told me he wanted to do something for the poor man standing alone in the cold wind. I agreed and asked each of my boys to pick something that our “friend” there would need the most. They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a gift card. I thought about it for a while and agreed. When we handed him the bag of food, he thanked us with watery eyes. When I handed him the gift card, which his family can use to buy whatever they want, he cried out. This has been a wonderful experience for our family. For days, the kids looked for other people we can help. Things would have been different if I had simply said no. It not only helped a brother in need, but also gave my kids the sweet taste of helping others. 1.Why was the man outside the store asking for help A.His car was out of gas. B.He needed a piece of paper. C.He couldn’t find family. D.He lost his job. 2.What was the weather like on that weekend A.Sunny. B.Windy. C.Rainy. D.Snowy. 3.What did the 17-year-old suggest giving the poor man A. B. C. D. 4.The underlined part “watery eyes” in Paragraph 3 shows that the man _____. A.was too moved B.felt very sad C.had a poor family D.loved his family 5.What did the writer think of helping the man A.Unhappy. B.Expensive. C.Awful. D.Great. (2022上·福建泉州·九年级统考期末)It’s reported that India is facing one of the worst water shortage in its history. 26-year-old Ramveer Tanwar knew a thing or two about it years ago. The young man comes from a small village in Greater Noida in India. A trip back to his hometown has totally changed his life. During the trip, Ramveer noticed that many lakes where he used to swim and play with his friends dried up because of pollution. What’s worse, many water bodies were disappearing fast. Instead of waiting for the government to take action, the young man decided to take matters into his own hands. In the beginning, Ramveer went from door to door or held meetings to educate local villagers on the importance of water protection. He believed by teaching people the situation could get better. But later he found that was not enough. So besides talking to villagers, he teamed up with them and began to revive (复活) lifeless lakes in the area. “We tried reviving a lake by removing all its waste. Many of the villagers came to help. Some of them worked with us while others offered us tools (工具) and equipment,” Ramveer said. They even succeeded in getting support from the forest department, which provided them with plants to be planted around the lakes. Since 2014, with the help of the volunteers, Ramveer has brought about twelve dead lakes back to life. ... ...

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