ID: 18909448

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Out of this world Extended reading课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:66次 大小:95775703B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Extended reading Why we explore Unit 2 Out of this world the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program Fill in the table Spacecraft Time of launch Major achievements Chang’e 1 Chang’e 2 Chang’e 3 In October 2007 It completed a more detailed scan of the Moon. It landed on the Moon. In December 2013 In October 2010 It successfully orbited and scanned the Moon. Fill in the table Spacecraft Time of launch Major achievements Chang’e 4 Chang’e 5 In January 2019 It successfully collected and returned lunar samples. In December 2020 It succeeded in landing on the far side of the Moon. Main idea Para. 2 To satisfy humans’ curiosity Para. 3 To better understand the origin, evolution, and likely future or the universe Para. 4 To solve big problems and make our lives safer and easier Para. 5 To gain great economic value Para. 6 To educate and inspire the next generation Prediction-checking Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6 Why curiosity understanding problem-solving economic value education & inspiration Reading 点击添加标题 点击添加标题 Read the article again and draw a mind map. Careful reading Para. 1 What is the reality of space exploration Line3—Line5 Careful reading Para. 1 Why does the author tell a true story at the beginning of the first paragraph To encourage the reader to think about why humans did not regularly visit other planets in the solar system after Armstrong’s landing on the Moon and also to introduce the fact that actually exploration is extremely difficult and dangerous. Careful reading Para. 2 What is our nature in exploration Our curiosity about the unknown has kept us adventuring into new places. We long to visit thick and wild forests, climb vast mountain ranges, and cross deep oceans. 翻译: 我们渴望探索茂密的原始森林,攀登广袤的山脉,越过深邃的海洋。 Careful reading Para. 2 Why does the author quote the saying of Stephen Hawking (lines12-15) The author quotes Hawking’s words to show that it is basic human nature to be curious about the universe. Without curiosity, no mysteries would be solved and no progress could be made. Each small step may further lead to a great leap in discovering more. 翻译:记住要仰望星空,不要只低头看脚。试图理解你所看到的,思索宇宙为何存在,好奇一点。 Careful reading Para. 2 How do you understand the sentence “With each space mission comes greater insight, thus motivating us to continue along the same path of adventure” (lines17-18) Driven by curiosity, humans never stop the adventure into new places. In this continuous process, humans become more insightful and knowledgeable about the universe, which in turn motivates mankind to explore further. Careful reading What fundamental questions can exploring space solve Para.3 Exploring space helps address fundamental questions about our place in the universe and the history of our solar system. Careful reading Para.3 An understanding of the _____, _____, and _____ of the universe Our _ ... ...

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