

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:41次 大小:115976Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四川省成都简阳市 2022-2024年中考英语一诊(期末)试题分类汇编 书面表达 2024年四川省成都简阳市中考一诊英语试题 五、书面表达。 ( 计15分) 为引导学生对体育锻炼感兴趣, 全国各地很多地方的中考都提高了体育中考分。比如:北京的体育中考分就增加到了70分。此举引起了人们激烈的讨论。请结合下面的思维导图以“Increasing the points for P.E test: Yes or No”为题写一篇短文谈论不同人的看法。 要求:1. 分析思维导图, 在横线上填上所缺信息; 2. 简述该现象; 3. 陈述思维导图中的观点及理由; 4. 表达你自己的观点及理由(至少2点理由并与图中的不同)。 注意:1. 你的文章应包含以上所有信息: 2. 不能出现真实校名和姓名; 3. 词数:100词左右。 _____ 2023年四川省成都简阳市中考一诊英语试题 五、书面表达(15分;请直接书写在答题卡的相应位置。) 在英语写作课上, 英语老师要求你根据观众收看抖音的调査结果, 写一篇调査报告, 并分析抖音受欢迎的原因, 指出抖音对学习和生活的影响, 并呼吁同学们合理使用抖音。 要求:1. 报告应包含所有要点, 可适当发挥, 使文章连贯; 2. 文中不能出现真实的学校和姓名; 3. 词数:100词左右, 已给出的文章首句不计入字数。 There are many types of videos on Douyin. Last week, we did a survey about the audience rating of videos on Douyin. _____ 2022年四川省成都简阳市中考一诊英语试题 五、书面表达 (1 5 分; 请直接书写在答题卡的相应位置) 某英文报正在征集“ 双减“政策实施前后学生周末生活变化的文 章, 请根据下图呈现的调查结果, 写一篇报告。分析“ 双减” 后学生周末活动的 时间占比及原因, 谈一谈“ 双减“ 政策给学生带来的好处 , 写出你培养兴趣爱好的打算 。 要求: 1. 分析图表, 报告内容需包含柱状图所有内容, 原因任选 2 点即可; 2. 文中不能出现真实的学校和姓名 ; 3 . 词数: 不少千 100 词, 已给出的文章首句不计入字数。 参考词汇: “双减" double reduction According to the chart of this survey, we can clearly see that _____ _____ 答案: 2024年四川省成都简阳市中考一诊英语试题 1. disagree Increasing the points for P. E Test: Yes or No Many schools around the country have increased the points for P. E test to make students interested in exercise. For this change, people have different opinions. Some people say they agree with it because they think it can offer students more chances to exercise and they can relax themselves by exercise. However, some people disagree. Firstly, they think if they spend more time on P. E, the time for other subjects will be less and less, which may influence students' grades in other subjects. Secondly, they think it may give students more pressure in P. E, which is bad for their mental health. As for me, I agree with the change. Students can be more interested in exercising in this way. And this change can make students realize that health comes first. What's more, this is good for China's sports development. 2023年四川省成都简阳市中考一诊英语试题 There are many types of videos on Douyin. Last week, we did a survey about the audience rating of videos on Douyin. Here are the results. On Douyin, 33 percent of people watch comedy shows. 25 percent like watching food videos. And 21 percent watch travel videos. 16 percent use it in other way. We find only 5 percent of people use Douyin t ... ...

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