
Unit 4 Natural disasters单元测试提高卷(含解析)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:92次 大小:227520Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 【单元测试 · 提升卷】 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分 10分) Caught in a flood Mary and her parents were downstairs in the living room. Mary was looking through the windows at the endless rain outside. It had been raining non-stop for three days. She had never seen a storm this bad. It was making her 1 . The wind roared and the rain 2 on the roof and windows. Dad was listening to a weather report on the radio 3 Mum was putting their important documents and disaster supplies into a bag. “Mum, Dad,” said Mary suddenly, “I think we should leave here right away!” “No,” said Dad. “It’s too late! The radio 4 the city has already been flooded.” “We can drive our car 5 the floodwater! Let’s just leave! I’m really scared!” cried Mary. “We can’t do that, honey,” said Mum, “ 6 the moving water could wash the car away!” Mary walked to the door. She was curious to see how much water there was outside. “Don’t open the door!” 7 Mum and Dad at the same time. “The water may flood in!” Dad moved the dinner table against the door, in case the floodwater forced the door open. Mum waved to Mary to sit on the sofa. “Mary, don’t worry. Everything’s going to be OK,” she said 8 , trying her best to comfort Mary. Her voice was calm, but Mary could 9 she was worried too. Without saying a single word, Dad walked to the sofa, sat down and hugged his wife and daughter. The sudden silence in the house seemed to make the 10 and rain more frightening (令人害怕的) outside. What could they do 1.A.happy B.excited C.nervous D.calm 2.A.blew B.beat C.crashed D.flowed 3.A.when B.so C.but D.while 4.A.says B.talks C.speaks D.tells 5.A.onto B.into C.through D.across 6.A.however B.still C.instead D.otherwise 7.A.shouted B.whispered C.moved D.reported 8.A.happily B.softly C.sadly D.angrily 9.A.hear B.think C.say D.tell 10.A.window B.disaster C.wind D.water 二、阅读理解。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A From November 1st to December 10th in 2020, China started its seventh national population census(普查). 7 million census takers have asked each family about their name, gender(性别), age, education, job and so on. This census is different from the ones in the past. For the first time, citizens were encouraged to use smartphones and other digital tools to record their information. China has a national population census every 10 years. The first one was done in 1953. At that time, there were about 600 million people in China. But China’s population has boomed. It was about 1.37 billion in 2010. For the 2020’s national population census, all people of China were included in the census. But Chinese citizens who had settled(定居) abroad and foreigners who were staying in China on either business or tourist visas(旅游签证) were not counted. “The census is very important for every citizen,” said Ning Jizhe. “It will help improve infrastructure( ... ...

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