
中考英语阅读理解时文阅读 语境专项训练 人与自然-自然与环境(帽带企鹅+“奇异福建龙”化石+水循环) (含解析)

日期:2024-05-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:48次 大小:24343Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考英语阅读理解时文阅读 语境专项训练 人与自然-自然与环境 帽带企鹅 “奇异福建龙”化石 水循环 A 时文阅读:帽带企鹅每天“秒睡”一万次? 主题语境:人与自然-自然与环境-自然地理与生物 在读书或工作时,打盹儿是我们再熟悉不过的经历。众所周知,鸟类也会进行这种“微睡眠”。但有一种鸟类似乎在“打盹儿”这件事上战胜了所有人。根据最新一期的《科学》杂志研究,帽带企鹅具有“特种兵式”的极限睡眠行为:每天打瞌睡超过1万次。它们是如何做到的? 阅读短文并回答问题 When you get really sleepy, you may nod off(打瞌睡)for a short time. However, chinstrap penguins(帽带企鹅)in the South Pole take nodding off to a whole new level, as they do it more than 10,000 times a day! A group of scientists studied 14 chinstrap penguins in the South Pole. They put electrodes(电极)on the penguins’ heads and necks to see their brain activities. The scientists also followed them by GPS and watched them for 10 days. Finally, the scientists found that the penguins’ longest sleep time is 34 seconds. On average(平均), the penguins sleep 4 seconds at a time. At times, only half of their brains would sleep, while the other half stayed awake. But in one day, they sleep for more than 11 hours, so they get enough rest. The penguins sleep like this because they need to protect their eggs and babies. If they sleep too long, the babies may get hurt by seabirds and other penguins. Also, their home is usually noisy and crowded. So the parent penguins just have very short sleeps to stay alert(警觉的). 1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about A. Why scientists put electrodes on the penguins. B. What scientists found about the penguins’ sleeping. C. How scientists studied the penguins’ sleeping habits. D. When scientists studied the penguins’ brain activities. 2. The penguins get enough sleep by _____. A. nodding off many times each day B. having a 4-second sleep every hour C. sleeping for over 11 hours at one time D. sleeping for about 34 seconds each time 3. What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to A. Seabirds. B. Scientists. C. The baby penguins. D. The parent penguins. 4. What makes the penguins have short sleep habits ①The flying of seabirds. ②Their noisy and crowded homes. ③The cold weather in the South Pole. ④The need to protect their eggs and babies. A. ①② B. ②③ C. ②④ D. ③④ 5. What is the best title for the passage A. Chinstrap Penguins’ Busy Lives B. Differences in Rest Between Animals C. Chinstrap Penguins’ Favourite Activities D. Chinstrap Penguins’ Special Sleeping Habits B 时文阅读:中国发现“奇异福建龙”化石! 主题语境:人与自然-自然与环境-自然地理与生物 近期,科研人员在中国福建省政和县发现了一件独特的恐龙化石。经过修复与分析研究,确认发现于约1.5亿年前晚侏罗纪地层中的这件恐龙化石属于鸟翼类恐龙新物种,人们将其命名为“奇异福建龙”。这是目前所知世界上侏罗纪最晚期和地理位置最南的鸟翼类恐龙。这只恐龙有何特殊之处? 阅读短文并回答问题 Scientists have recently made an exciting discovery in Fujian Province, China. They found the fossil(化石)of a di ... ...

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