

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:96次 大小:9712930Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Review Review 一个偏僻的地方 11.婚姻的破裂 到那时 12.发现…怎么样 状况良好 13.消防员从着火的房子里救出一个婴儿。 值得做某事 14.一包香烟 把…变成 15.对…很热衷 定时炸弹 16.恢复原职 在遥远的未来 17.想象做某事 太平洋战争 18.殖民主义 对…的损害 19.保护野生动物 吸烟有害健康。 20.使…被重建 L57 1-2: a b 3-7: b b b d c 8-12: d c b d a Daily Proverb Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. 知己知彼,百战不殆 Lesson 67 Volcanoes! Mount Fuji New Words 01 Game Time Text Understanding Grammar 02 03 04 New Words 0 1 volcano active erupt violently manage brilliant liquid escape alive [v l'ke n ] [' kt v] [ 'r pt] [ va l ntli] ['m n d ] [ br l nt] ['l kw d] [ 'ske p] [ 'la v] 火山 活动的 (火山)喷发 猛烈地,剧烈地 设法 精彩的 液体 逃脱 活着的 活火山 n.火山 volcano adj.活动的 active 休眠火山 active volcano dormant volcano 死火山 dead volcano 大难将至犹自取乐 dance on a volcano sit on a volcano 处境危险 Natural disasters: earthquake flood typhoon storm adj.活动的 active 积极的 活跃的 反义词 inactive Miss Song has an active brain. 1. 宋老师头脑灵活。 2. 当局必须采取积极措施来解决这个问题。 The authorities must take active action to solve this problem. eg. 距上次火山喷发已经过去好多年了。 1. (火山)喷发 erupt It has been many years since the volcano last erupted. eg. 突如其来地,她发出了笑声。 2. 突然发生 v. Without warning, she erupts into laughter. erupt into sth 突然发生 burst into sth violently adv. 猛烈地, 剧烈 eg. 他猛烈地摇头。 He shocks head violently. eg. 火山猛烈喷发。 The volcano erupted violently. violence n. 猛烈, 暴力, 他暴力威胁我。 He threaten me with violence. violent adj. 猛烈地, 剧烈 1. 暴力的,暴戾的 一个暴力的罪犯 a violent criminal 2. (感情)强烈的 万分震惊 in a violent shock 我极度厌学。 I have a violent dislike of school. 3. 强烈的,激烈的 强烈的地震 violent earthquake 剧烈的牙疼 violent toothache manage v. 设法 设法做成某事 manage to do sth. = succeed in doing sth. = be able to do sth. eg. 我总算下了车。 I managed to get off the bus. eg. 你最后找到房子了没有 Did you manage to find the house management n. 管理,经营 manager n. 经理 brilliant adj. 1. 明亮的,光彩夺目的 brilliant color/ diamond 2. 杰出的,非凡的,精彩的 一位卓越的演说家 a brilliant speaker 非凡的成就 brilliant achievements liquid n. 液体 Water, milk and oil are liquids. adj. 液体的 清澈的,透明的 the liquid sky/ eyes 两个囚犯从监狱逃跑了。 逃离,逃走 v. escape Two prisoners escaped from the prison. 逃避 eg. 他逃过了惩罚。 逃避(做)某事 escape + n. /doing sth. He escaped punishment/being punished. 九死一生 a narrow escape a violent criminal 死火山 活火山 设法完成 休眠火山 violent, n, adv 逃避做某事 dance on a volcano sit on a volcano 突然发生 Game Time 0 2 erupt violently active escape manage liquid Text Understanding 0 3 Listen and answer: 1. Why did Haroun Tazieff go to Lake Kivu in the Congo 2. Where and when was he able to set up his camp 3. When did he return to the volcano 1. Haroun Tazieff, the Polish ... ...

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