
Unit 3 Integrated skills & Study skills教学详案--牛津译林版中学英语八年级下

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:19次 大小:528437Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Online tours Integrated skills & Study skills 设计说明 首先通过自由交谈引入旅行的话题,通过头脑风暴来让学生了解世界名胜,进而过渡到如何使用“八小时环游世界”这个网站,完成A1、B部分的听力练习,继而学会用英语寻求帮助并对别人的请求作出回应。接着学习一部分新单词并完成A2、A3部分的听力内容,提升学生的听力技巧。然后就这一课时里的知识点进行讲解和练习。在Study skills中,通过结合学过的文章来分析如何使用图表来组织信息,继而让学生根据所学的知识掌握图表的使用。 教学目标 通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标: 1.知识目标 掌握词汇:coast, Australian, opposite, mind, print, pleasure, book, my pleasure 2.能力目标 (1)了解更多旅游信息,能够从听力材料中获取有用的、准确的信息; (2)进一步了解如何利用网络获取有用的信息,学会用英语寻求帮助并对别人的请求作出回应; (3)学会使用图表来组织信息。 3.情感目标 了解景点以及游览这些景点的最佳时间,让学生通过旅游来提高个人情操和素质。 重点难点 1.重点:了解更多旅游信息,能够从听力材料中获取有用的、准确的信息。学会使用图表来组织信息。 2.难点:进一步了解如何利用网络获取有用的信息,学会用英语寻求帮助并对别人的请求作出回应。 教学准备 PPT课件;有关比萨斜塔、自由女神像、小美人雕塑、塔桥、埃菲尔铁塔、悉尼歌剧院的图片。 授课时数 1课时 教学过程 Step 1 Free talk and brainstorm 1. Free talk. Do you like travelling What places of interest have you been to before 2. Brainstorm. Show pictures and ask students to say some famous places of interest in other countries.   the Leaning Tower of Pisa(Italy) the Statue of Liberty(the USA)   the Little Mermaid(Denmark) Tower Bridge(England)   the Eiffel Tower(France) the Sydney Opera House (Australia) 3. Ask and answer. (1) Do you have enough time or money to travel around the world (2) What is the new way to travel around the world Do you know (3) How can we travel online At first we need to find a website called… Step 2 Part A1 T: If we have no money or time for travelling, we can travel online. We can use the website “Around the World in Eight Hours”. How do we use the website Listen to a conversation and complete the notes. After listening, check the answers with students. How to use the website The website takes you to different places around the world. To learn about a city, just find it in the menu (1) _____ of the page and click on it. If you click on the “(2) _____” icon, you will see some (3)_____ of the city first. Further down at the (4) _____ of the page, you can also find other information about the city. Answers: (1) at the top (2) Camera (3) pictures (4) bottom Tips: Listening Skills 1. Predict before listening. 2. Listen for key words. Step 3 Speak up 1. Sandy is asking for Millie’s help with the online tour. Listen to their conversation and then answer the questions. (P 44) (1) How do they start an online tour of a city (2) What should they do if they want to look at the pictures of the city (3) How do they print the pictures Answers: (1) Just click on the “Tour” icon and it will start. (2) Click on the “Camera” icon, and you can see many pictures of the city. ( ... ...

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