
Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years. Section B (2a~2d)课件+学案(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:16次 大小:716478Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Section B (2a~2d) 1.能记住并背诵本课时的单词、短语和句子。 2.通过预测、略读、扫读等阅读策略,深入理解文章内容及对家乡的情感,并完成相应的练习。 3.能描述自己的家乡变化以及评价这些变化的好坏。 故乡是离乡的游子魂牵梦萦的地方,一起来欣赏一首动听的美国乡村音乐吧。 一、词汇记忆 1.   在(其)中; ……之一 2.   羞耻; 羞愧; 惭愧 3.   将……认为; 把……视为 4.   数数 5.   百年; 世纪 among shame century count regard 6.   与……相对; 在……对面;对面的 7.   尤其; 特别; 格外 8.   童年; 幼年 9.   注视; 仔细考虑 10.   拥有; 抓住 opposite especially hold consider childhood 二、短语速记 1.数百万的 2.寻找 3.依据;按照 4.依……看 5.二十世纪中期 6.到目前为止 millions of search for the mid-20th century in one's opinion according to so far 三、译一译 1.现今,数百万的中国人离开农村去城市寻找工作。 2.在过去的13年里他住在温州。 Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities. He has lived in Wenzhou for the last 13 years. 3.许多像钟伟一样的人带着极大的兴趣关注着他们的家乡已经发生了的变化。 Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed. 4.我们的家乡已经在我们心里留下了许多甜蜜的回忆。 Our hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts. 看图和标题讨论:Can you tell me how you feel about your hometown 话题导入,先思后读 1.快速阅读课本2a,回答下列问题。 ①Why do millions of Chinese leave the countryside every year ②How often do you think these people visit their hometowns To search for work in the cities. They visit their hometowns once or twice a year. 阅读任务,且读且思 ③What new buildings does the government usually build in towns and villages Large hospitals and new schools. 2.阅读课本2b,从文中找到下列释义的对应词。 ① look for ②consider ③across from ④in one's opinion search for according to sb. opposite regard ⑤go back ⑥changes ⑦area return place developments 3.再读文章,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 ( )①Zhong Wei is 40 years old. ( )②Zhong Wei worked in a crayon factory in Guizhou. ( )③Zhong Wei didn't return to his hometown last year. ( )④The government has built several new schools in Zhong Wei's hometown. ( )⑤Zhong Wei believes big changes will take place in his hometown. ( )⑥Zhong Wei spent a happy childhood in his hometown. F F F T T T 知识拓展 ●1.Among these is Zhong Wei, a 46-year-old husband and father. 46岁的丈夫兼父亲钟伟就是其中之一。 among作介词,意为“在(其)中;……之一”。如: Gina is the most hard-working among the girls.在这些女孩中,Gina是最勤奋的。 Playing chess is a popular activity among the old people.在老年人中,下棋是一项受欢迎的活动。 辨析:among与between among指在(三者或三者以上)之间。如: The teacher stands among the children.老师站在孩子们中间。 between指在(两者)之间。如: Our English teacher stands between Anna and Lisa.我们的英语老师站在Anna和Lisa之间。 ●2.Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed. 许多像钟伟一样的人怀着极大的兴趣关 ... ...

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