
2024年人教版中考英语一轮复习八年级下册 Unit 3 词汇复测练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:62次 大小:19381Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考一轮复习 词汇复测练习 人教新目标Go for it!版英语八年级下册 Unit 3 rubbish (垃圾): - 例句: Please dispose of your rubbish in the designated bins. (请将垃圾投放到指定的垃圾桶中。) - 完成句子: He sorted the recyclables from the _____ before taking them out. (rubbish) - 相关表达: garbage (垃圾),trash (废物) fold (折叠): - 例句: She carefully folded the laundry and put it away in the closet. (她小心地将衣物折叠起来并放入衣柜。) - 完成句子: He asked her to _____ the paper into a small square. (fold) - 相关表达: crease (折痕),tuck (塞入) sweep (扫): - 例句: She grabbed a broom and started to sweep the floor. (她拿起扫帚开始扫地。) - 完成句子: He used a brush to _____ the dirt off his shoes. (sweep) - 相关表达: clean (清洁),dust (打扫) depend on (依赖): - 例句: The success of the project depends on everyone's contribution. (项目的成功取决于每个人的贡献。) - 完成句子: Whether we go hiking tomorrow will _____ the weather conditions. (depend on) - 相关表达: rely on (依靠),count on (指望) develop (发展): - 例句: The city has undergone rapid development in the past decade. (这个城市在过去十年里经历了快速发展。) - 完成句子: The company plans to _____ new products to meet customer demands. (develop) - 相关表达: progress (进展),evolve (演变) independence (独立): - 例句: Moving away from home for the first time gave her a sense of independence. (第一次离家生活使她有了独立感。) - 完成句子: Teenagers often strive for _____ and want to make their own decisions. (independence) - 相关表达: autonomy (自主),freedom (自由) fairness (公正性; 合理性): - 例句: The judge ensured fairness in the courtroom by giving each party a chance to present their case. (法官通过给予每一方机会陈述案情来确保法庭的公正性。) - 完成句子: It's important to treat everyone with _____ and not show favoritism. (fairness) - 相关表达: justice (正义),equity (公平) since (自从): - 例句: He has been studying French since he was in high school. (自从他上高中以来,他一直在学法语。) - 完成句子: I haven't seen him _____ we graduated from college. (since) - 相关表达: from (从...开始),as (由于) neighbor (邻居): - 例句: Our neighbors invited us over for dinner last night. (昨晚我们的邻居邀请我们共进晚餐。) - 完成句子: She borrowed a cup of sugar from her _____ to complete the recipe. (neighbor) - 相关表达: resident (居民),next-door (隔壁的) take care of (照顾): - 例句: She takes care of her younger siblings while her parents are at work. (她在父母工作时照顾她的兄弟姐妹。) - 完成句子: He hired a pet sitter to _____ his cat while he was on vacation. (take care of) - 相关表达: look after (照料),attend to (照顾) ill (生病): - 例句: She stayed home from school because she was feeling ill. (因为感到不适,她没有去上学。) - 完成句子: He went to the doctor because he was feeling _____. (ill) - 相关表达: sick (生病),unwell (不舒服) drop (掉落): - 例句: The glass slipped from her hand and dropped to the floor, shattering into pieces. (玻璃从她手中滑落到地板上,摔成了碎片。) - 完成句子: Be careful not to _ ... ...

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