
2024年仁爱版中考英语一轮复习八年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 2 词汇复测练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:92次 大小:18957Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中考一轮复习 词汇复测练习 仁爱(科普)版英语八年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well. finely (细细地): - 例句: She chopped the herbs finely to sprinkle over the dish. (她把香草切得很细,撒在菜肴上。) - 完成句子: The recipe requires you to _____ chop the garlic cloves. (finely) - 相关表达: finely grated (细细磨碎),finely minced (细细切碎) oil (油): - 例句: I prefer cooking with olive oil instead of vegetable oil. (我更喜欢用橄榄油而不是植物油烹饪。) - 完成句子: Heat a tablespoon of _____ in a frying pan. (oil) - 相关表达: cooking oil (食用油),vegetable oil (植物油) pan (平底锅): - 例句: She cooked the eggs in a non-stick frying pan. (她在不粘锅里煮鸡蛋。) - 完成句子: Heat the _____ over medium heat before adding the ingredients. (pan) - 相关表达: skillet (煎锅),wok (炒锅) lightly (轻轻地): - 例句: She brushed the bread with butter lightly. (她轻轻地涂抹了一层黄油在面包上。) - 完成句子: _____ sprinkle some salt and pepper over the salad. (lightly) - 相关表达: delicately (精细地),gently (轻轻地) add (添加): - 例句: The recipe instructs you to add the sugar after mixing the other ingredients. (这个食谱要求你在混合其他成分之后再加糖。) - 完成句子: _____ the chopped tomatoes to the simmering sauce. (add) - 相关表达: include (包括),put in (放入) fry (油炸): - 例句: He fried the chicken until it turned golden brown. (他把鸡炸成金黄色。) - 完成句子: _____ the vegetables in hot oil for a few minutes. (fry) - 相关表达: deep fry (油炸),stir fry (炒) ingredient (成分): - 例句: The recipe calls for several fresh ingredients, including tomatoes and basil. (这个食谱需要几种新鲜的成分,包括番茄和罗勒。) - 完成句子: Make sure you have all the _____s before starting the recipe. (ingredient) - 相关表达: component (组成部分),element (元素) pot (锅): - 例句: She used a large pot to cook the soup. (她用一个大锅煮汤。) - 完成句子: Boil water in a _____ to cook the pasta. (pot) - 相关表达: saucepan (深平底锅),stockpot (高边锅) pork (猪肉): - 例句: They marinated the pork chops before grilling them. (他们在烧烤前先腌制了猪排。) - 完成句子: The recipe calls for lean _____ for this stir-fry dish. (pork) - 相关表达: bacon (培根),ham (火腿) cut up (切碎): - 例句: She cut up the fruits into small pieces for the fruit salad. (她把水果切成小块做水果沙拉。) - 完成句子: _____ the chicken breast into bite-sized pieces. (cut up) - 相关表达: chop (切碎),dice (切丁) ham (火腿): - 例句: She made a sandwich with slices of ham and cheese. (她用火腿和奶酪片做了一个三明治。) - 完成句子:The recipe suggests adding diced _____ to enhance the flavor. (ham) - 相关表达: bacon (培根),prosciutto (意大利熏火腿) onion (洋葱): - 例句: I sautéed the onions until they were caramelized. (我把洋葱煎炒到焦糖色。) - 完成句子: Chop the _____s finely before adding them to the sauce. (onion) - 相关表达: shallot (青葱),red onion (红洋葱) noodle (面条): - 例句: She cooked the noodles until they were al dente. (她把面条煮到刚熟。) - 完成句子: Boil the _____s in salted water ... ...

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