ID: 19239919


日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:90次 大小:1434275B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Grammar It-Cleft Sentence 强调句型 (1)It is global warming that makes them give up their lives. (2)It was humans who caused global warming. It-Cleft Sentence 强调句型 the emphasized part The Structure (1)Global warming makes them give up their lives. (2)It is global warming that makes them give up their lives. (3)Humans caused global warming. (4)It was humans who caused global warming. It-Cleft Sentence 强调句型: It is/was that/who the rest part of the sentence 1.It _____ humans that should take cation to stop global warming. 2.It _____ 180 years ago that global warming began. 3.It _____ by reducing carbon dioxide that we will stop global warming. Rule 1 is was is present future is past was 1.It is humans that/who should take cation to stop global warming. 2.It was 180 years ago that global warming began. 3.It is by reducing carbon dioxide that we will stop global warming. Rule 2 always OK that sb who France will hold the 33rd Olympic Games in Paris. (1)It is France that will hold the 33rd Olympic Games in Paris. (2)It is the 33rd Olympic Games that France will hold in Paris. (3)It is in Paris that France will hold the 33rd Olympic Games. Exercise 1 Emphasize the underlined parts and write down. (1) (2) (3) write Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016. (1).It was Donald Trump that/who won the presidential election in 2016. (2).It was the presidential election that Donald Trump won in 2016. (3).It was in 2016 that Donald Trump won the presidential election. Exercise 2 Emphasize the underlined parts orally. (1) (2) (3) speak Japan will hold the 32nd Olympic Games in Tokyo. Donald Trump won the presidential election in 2016. Q:Which part is never emphasized with It-Cleft Sentence. Thinking 1.We can't emphasize the predicate(谓语) with It-Cleft Sentence. 2.we can remove “It is/was...that/who...”to judge a It-Cleft Sentence. Notice subject主语 object宾语 adverbial状语 subject主语 object宾语 adverbial状语 (1)Because you are very young, you shouldn't be afraid of failure. (2)When he was about to leave, his telephone rang. (3)You will not understand your parents until you grow up. Exercise 3 Emphasize the adverbialial clause and write down. It is because you are very young that you shouldn't be afraid of failure. It was when he was about to leave that his telephone rang. It is not until you grow up that you will understand your parents. not...until... It is/was not until...that... show time 1.It is because of global warming that these polar bears are about to disappear. 2.It is global warming that melts ice. 3.It is humans that/who are responsible for global warming. 4.It is a massive amount of carbon dioxide that causes global warming. 5.It is because they have thick fur that they don't feel cold. ... Discussing What can we do to prevent global warming Government Factories individuals ...... It is everyone's effort that matters!

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