
Unit 8 Lesson 44 Popular Sayings 学案(含答案) 2023-2024学年初中英语冀教版九年级全一册

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:51次 大小:63581Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 8 Lesson 44 Popular Sayings 【学习目标】 1.通过基础练习,能记住并正确使用本课时的重点单词和重点短语。 2.通过阅读训练,形成良好的阅读能力和巩固重点句型。 3.通过合作探究,能够用英语谈论不同的谚语。 【预习导学】 一、单词速记 1.社会    2.一代(人)    3.富有的;富裕的    4.便士    5.镑, 磅    6.愚蠢的;傻的    7.是否;不管;无论    8.人(的);人类(的)    二、短语速记 1.行业;阶层;各行各业    2.共同的;共有的    3.和……相似    4.不同于;除了    5.人类    6.以……开始    三、想一想 1.文中提到谚语是什么的一个重要部分 _____ 2.谚语来自哪里 _____ 【答案】 一、 1.society 2.generation 3.wealthy 4.penny 5.pound 6.foolish 7.whether 8.human 二、 1.walks of life 2.in common 3.be similar to... 4.other than 5.human being 6.begin with... 三、 1.Sayings are an important part of the language and culture of every society. 2.They come from the experience of generations of people, and from different walks of life. 【合作探究】 任务驱动一 单词、短语学习 ◎学法指导:1.英英释义呈现该词的近义词或者同义词。2.根据英英释义联想到本节课新单词。 连线搭配 任务驱动二 阅读训练 1.读课文完成谚语。 (1)Seeing is    . (2)Where there is a will, there is a    . (3)Early to bed and early to rise makes a man    , wealthy and wise. (4)Well begun is     done. 2.读课文并回答下列问题。 (1)What do you think of the sayings _____ (2)Where do they come from _____ (3)What's the English for the Chinese saying “ai wu ji wu” _____ 3.反复读课文。熟记课文,掌握文章各段的段落大意,并借此来复述课文,提高口语表达的能力。 任务驱动三 小组活动(五则谚语) 请分别为下面五则谚语找到相应的寓意。 ( )1.It's never too late to learn. ( )2.A crane standing amidst a flock of chickens. ( )3.The early bird catches the worm. ( )4.Play a harp before a cow. ( )5.A book holds a house of gold. A.This proverb means that you do something useless. B.This proverb means that someone is the best of all. C.This proverb means that if you study hard, you will succeed. D.This proverb means that there're many things to learn no matter how old you are. E.This proverb means that if you do something early before others, you will have more chances and be successful. 【答案】 任务驱动一 1. 任务驱动二 1.(1)believing (2)way (3)healthy (4)half 2.(1)They are usually simple and easy to remember, but they are full of deep meaning. (2)They come from the experience of generations of people and from different walks of life. (3)Love me, love my dog. 任务驱动三 1.D 2.B 3.E 4.A 5.C 【知识超市】 [命题点]Whether the sayings are in Chinese, English, or any other language, they share something in common. 不论这些谚语是汉语, 英语还是其他语言, 它们都有一些共同点。   whether conj.意为“是否; 不管; 无论”。whether的两种用法: 1.whether 意为“是否”时,主要用来引导宾语从句,从句可以用一般将来时。 2.whether意为“不管,无论”时,用来引导让步状语从句,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 辨析:whether与if都表示“是否”,引导宾语从句,一般可以互换,但仍有区别。 只用 whether 的情况 与or not连用时 引导宾语从句,且从句位于句首表示强调时 从句作介词的 ... ...

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