
Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling 词汇运用(含解析)仁爱版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:43次 大小:41962Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling 词汇运用(含解析)仁爱版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训 一、完成句子 1.You won’t be successful unless you try your best. (同义句转换) You won’t be successful you try your best. 2.I was so glad because I got letters from my old friends this week.(同义句转换) I was so glad because I my old friends this week. 3.如果你发烧了, 你可能得了流感。 you have a fever, you have the flu. 4.I want to go somewhere quiet for my vacation. (改为一般疑问句) you want to go quiet for your vacation 5.昨天,我非常开心,因为我接到了汤姆的电话。 I was very happy because I Tom yesterday. 6.我好久都没有收到Nelly叔叔的来信了。 I haven’t Uncle Nelly for a long time. 7.如果艾伦接受我的邀请,我会很高兴的。 I will be very glad if Alan my invitation. 8.Finish your homework first, or your parents will be angry. (改为同义句) you finish your homework first, your parents will be angry. 9.上周我收到了我英语老师斯蒂恩的来信。 Last week I Ms. Steen, my English teacher. 10.女孩们正在交谈,她们没有注意到汽车。 The girls were talking and they were not to the car. 11.为了吸引更多的顾客,老板决定关闭老店,在镇上开一家大超市。 In order to get more customers’ attention, the boss decided to the old shop and set up a big supermarket in town. 12.从经验中学习是很重要的。 It’s important to learn from the . 13.新的一年,让我们开始一个新的爱好吧! Let’s a new hobby in the new year! 14.need, if, me, you, let, know, any help . 15.我想装扮成圣诞老人。 I want to as the Santa Claus. 16.当你长大了你想做什么?(grow) What are you going to be when you 17.简,不要忘记帮你的爷爷打开电视。 Jane, don’t forget to the TV for your grandpa. 18.如果你不认为自己犯错,说抱歉有什么意义呢 saying sorry if you don’t think you make a mistake 19.别靠近这条河,因为它到处都是鳄鱼。 Never get close to the river because it . 二、单词拼写 20.Lots of people volunteer (cheer) up the elderly in the hospital. 21.If we drive cars less and take subways more, there will be less p . 22.How c you are! You make the same mistake again. 23.John wants (be) a teacher when he grows up. 24.Do you know what you can do (help) the poor 25.Tom must take the underground to work because his car is (坏了的). 26.If you don’t give up when you meet difficulties, you (make ) your dreams come true. 27.Tony failed (pass) the exam. 28.My father promises (buy) me a model car if I pass the exam. 29.Because of the railway from Lijiang to Shangri-La, you can sit (comfortable) on the train to enjoy the nature. 30.I’d like to invite each parent (bring) a book as a gift. 31.My parents don’t allow me (hang) out with my friends on weekends. 32.Drive less, or there will be more (pollute). 33.Through Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》, I learned an important lesson: nothing is impossible you put your heart into it. 34.These students came here (see) the new kind of car. 35.She decided to p (打印) the important information for the exam. 36.People aren’t allowed to on the underground in Zhengzhou. (eat) 37.The l ... ...

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