
Unit2 My favourite season Part A let's talk and learn 新课标原创优课课件+ 教案+ 素材(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:35次 大小:227332858Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) What’s the song about (这首歌是关于什么的?) Let’s think Unit2 My favourite season Period1 Draw the seasons What class do they have (猜猜他们在上什么课?) Guess What class do they have (猜猜他们在上什么课?) Clue 1(线索1) What class do they have (他们在上什么课?) Clue 2 (线索2) What will they draw (他们将要画什么 ) They will draw _____. the seasons Listen and answer 季节 s They will draw the seasons. How many seasons in a year (一年有几个季节 ) What are they (有哪些季节?) Four. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. They are . 秋天 1 3 2 4 They’re spring , summer , autumn and winter! 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 Group work Read the sentence (小组合作读句子) Listen and answer Which season do you like best , Mike Winter. I like snow. Name Favourite season Mike Wu Binbin Oliver Amy Watch and answer Which season do they like best (看视频,找出他们最喜欢的季节并完成任务一) winter Name Favourite season Mike Wu Binbin Oliver Amy Watch and answer Which season do they like best winter spring summer autumn Name Favourite season Mike Wu Binbin Oliver Amy Let’s chant winter spring summer autumn Group work Why?(为什么?) Because… Name Favourite season Mike Wu Binbin Oliver Amy winter spring summer autumn Name Favourite season Reasons(原因) Mike Wu Binbin Oliver Amy winter snow spring pretty Group work Why do they like different seasons (小组合作,读对话找出他们喜欢不同季节的原因完成任务二, 派一名代表展示) summer autumn go swimming clours likes because . Circle the key words. (圈出关键词) Tips: Name Favourite season Reasons(原因) Mike Wu Binbin Oliver Amy winter snow spring pretty summer autumn go swimming clours likes because . Do you like the music, children Yes. It’s very beautiful . What is it Listen and imitate The Four Seasons. Today we’ll draw the seasons. Winter. I like snow. Which season do you like best, Mike I like snow, too. Which season do you like best, Wu Binbin Spring. It’s pretty. Yes,it is. Which season do you like best Summer . I can go swimming every day! Autumn. Because the colours are pretty! I like best . Which season do you like best Make a survey (调查其他人喜欢的季节) Which season do you like best I like…best. Name Seasons … Draw and say (合作画季节并说说你喜欢的原因) spring summer autumn winter We like… I like…because… Every season brings its joy. 春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。 If winter comes, can spring be far behind. 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗? Homework 1.Listen and repeat the dialogue 3 times. (听录音跟读对话3遍) 1 2 3. Make a season book (制作一本四季书) 3 2.Talk about your favourite season with your partner. (和你的同伴讨论你最喜欢的季节) Try to do Need to do Goodbye中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 (PEP版)五年级下学期 Unit2 My favourite season单元整体分析 单元整体概览 本单元的学习主题是描述最喜欢的季节并陈述原因,学习有关季节的表达词语以及有关讨论在各个季节的各类活动的句型,引导学生体会引导学生了解不同季节 ... ...

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